


About JACerS

扫地机发布关于发现,表征和对新无机非金属材料的分析的报告;合成方法;相位关系;处理方法;微观结构 - 财产关系;和功能。非常兴趣的是,支持使用实验,理论或计算方法或这些方法的组合在基本原则上建立理解的作品。阅读完整目标和范围.

William G. (Bill) Fahrenholtz,JACerS主编,是密苏里科技大学陶瓷工程陶瓷工程杰出教授的,专门从事陶瓷的加工,表征和热力学分析。宏碁研究员,他参与了30多年,以前担任宏碁出版委员会。

Editor Search


The Journal is seeking candidates with technical and editorial expertise for future positions

  • Demonstrated expertise in areas including: characterization of ceramics; electronic ceramics; electrochemical response; sintering
  • Familiarity with advanced characterization at all length scales such as transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and diffraction
  • Experience with functional ceramics for electronic and/or electrochemical devises
  • 以前的编辑经验是首选,特别是如果涉及决策责任

阅读完整的职位帖子这里. Interested parties should submit their brief CV and letter describing your interest and expertise tojforeman@www.eurusdlive.com到2021年6月1日。


Reading journal content

  • ACerS members have free access to all articles published in the ACerS journals. Go to theMember Accesspage orACerS Publication Centralto get started.
  • 非embers可以通过许多付费路线访问日记内容。选择“访问文章” link for more information

Writing journal articles

  • The ACerS journal editors have adopted a single-document policy for initial manuscript submissions. Fully formatted files are required upon acceptance of the manuscripts. Select the “作者说明“完整说明的链接
  • ACerS maintains the highest level ofpublication ethics. We accept only original work that properly attributes others’ work, be it from co-authors or prior art.
  • Prior to submitting your work to JACerS, you should review the目标和范围to make certain your work meets our high standards for acceptance and publication

Reusing content and other concerns

  • Reusing content from the ACerS journals may require you to get permission to reproduce. Our publishing partner, Wiley, manages this relatively simple process and the侧边栏上的按钮provides instructions for requesting permissions.
  • Minor concerns about article content such as requesting a correction to your own work or that of others should be addressed to the authors or the journal’s editor-in-chief. If a public comment or correction are warranted, you can submit these through the manuscript submission process.
  • Major concerns/potential plagiarism. ACerS takes all questions of plagiarism very seriously and the process for addressing these is on thePublication Ethicspage.


Manuscripts are submitted electronically through ScholarOne/Manuscript Central. Once you have decided that JACerS is the right journal for your work, and you have written you manuscript according to the aims and scopes and author instructions, click the "Submit Manuscript or Become a Reviewer" button to begin the submission process.

