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The International Journal of Applied Glass Science (IJAGS) is an indispensable source of information from glass science and engineering research aimed at meeting the challenges of using glass and related materials in consumer, commercial and industrial applications.


IJAGS publishes high-impact articles that broadly encompass experimental investigations and modeling of material characteristics aimed at specific applications, along with well-evidenced studies of product and process optimization and scale-up. IJAGS is of critical value to the work of scientists, engineers, educators, students, as well as organizations that study the manufacture and utilization of glass, glass-ceramics, and composite materials to take advantage of the unique properties and behaviors of the most adaptable material – glass. Read the completeAims and Scopes.

IJAGS Editor-in-ChiefMario Affatigatoholds the Fran Allison and Francis Halpin professorship in physics at Coe College He focuses on the relationship between the optical properties and structure of glassy materials and exotic manufacturing methods, using oxide glasses, especially vanadates, borates, and samples with heavy metals. He is a fellow of the American Ceramic Society, and past chair of the Glass and Optical Materials Division.

Information Resources

Reading journal content

  • ACerS members have free access to all articles published in the ACerS journals. Go to theMember Accesspage orACerS Publication Centralto get started.
  • Nonmembers can access journal content via a number of paid routes. Select the “Access Articles” link for more information

Writing journal articles

  • The ACerS journal editors have adopted a single-document policy for initial manuscript submissions. Fully formatted files are required upon acceptance of the manuscripts. Select the “Author Instructions” link for complete information.
  • ACerS maintains the highest level ofpublication ethics. We accept only original work that properly attributes others’ work, be it from co-authors or prior art.
  • Prior to submitting your work to IJAGS, you should review theaims and scopesto make certain your work meets our high standards for acceptance and publication

Reusing content and other concerns

  • Reusing content from the ACerS journals may require you to get permission to reproduce. Our publishing partner, Wiley, manages this relatively simple process and the button on the sidebar provides instructions for requestingpermissions.
  • Minor concerns about article content such as requesting a correction to your own work or that of others should be addressed to the authors or the journal’s editors-in-chief. If a public comment or correction are warranted, you can submit these through the manuscript submission process, see below.
  • Major concerns/potential plagiarism. ACerS takes all questions of plagiarism very seriously and the process for addressing these is on thePublication Ethicspage.

Submitting Manuscripts or Becoming a Referee/Reviewer

Manuscripts are submitted electronically through ScholarOne/Manuscript Central. Once you have decided that IJAGS is the right journal for your work, and you have written you manuscript according to the aims and scopes and author instructions, submit via the "Submit Manuscript or Become a Reviewer" button.

Reviewing manuscripts is an excellent way to improve your own writing skills and scholarly reputation. Your author account is also your referee/reviewer account for the ACerS journal family.

Click "Submit Manuscript or Become a Reviewer" to create or revise your account. Make sure your keywords are up-to-date to be invited to review manuscripts within your expertise. Make sure your ORCID number is listed in your account to receive credit for your articles and reviews.