Upcoming webinars

The ACerSDayton/Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Sectionis hosting the webinarCeramic additive manufacturing for aerospacepresented by Dr. Lisa Rueschhoff (Air Force Research Laboratory).

The cruise altitudes and speed of flight will be higher than ever before for next generation aerospace applications. While this will enable superior efficiency and reach, especially for military aerospace vehicles, it comes at the cost of harsher environments experienced by the component materials.Read more...

To register, visit thislink.

The ACerSBioceramics Divisionis hosting the webinar,Biomaterials and Implants: Unmet clinical needs, Current Status and Recommendationspresented by Dr. Bikramjit Basu (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore).

Medical devices are a major part of healthcare costs in many developing nations around the World. Nearly 80 percent of biomaterials and implants are imported from Europe and North America. The translational research ecosystem has evolved to address this chain of high healthcare costs and unmet clinical needs. A key challenge for innovation is the manufacturing of affordable biomedical devices without compromising on quality.Read more...

To register, visit thislink.

The US Department of Energy | Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy is sponsoring the webinarNo-cost Technical Assistance Resources Offered by the U.S. Department of Energypresented by Dr. Jillian Romsdahl, an AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow supporting the Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) within the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office offers a wide range of technical assistance programs and tools to help manufacturers save energy and boost competitiveness. The talk will provide an overview of how to take advantage of existing resources in addition to previewing new opportunities designed specifically for energy-intensive facilities. Readmore...

To register, visit thislink.

Previous webinars

The recordings for these webinars may be accessed by ACerS members by logging into the王牌rS Webinar Archivespage.

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Check out the all access recording available for all to view, below!

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In order to review past webinar recordings, visit the王牌rS Webinar Archives.

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All access王牌rS webinars

Check out theall access recordingsavailable as noted below. These all access recordings are available for anyone to view!

Finding your community
(view the all access recording)

Tips on making a strong award nomination package
(view the all access recording)