ceramic manufacturing

An ACerS Online Course


The Recorded course is available for purchase

Learn about ceramic manufacturing processes from raw materials to finished product

讲师: Carl Frahme, Ph.D., FACerS


陶瓷制造技术is designed to offer broad, in-depth coverage of all segments of ceramic manufacturing. The course is divided into five modules:

  • Module I:产品,原料和组成介绍
  • 模块二:主线制造技术和流程
  • 模块III:特殊制造技术和流程
  • 模块四: Ceramic Manufacturing Measurement and Control
  • Module V:陶瓷制造环境

All topics reflect the most current information and technologies, and will include a bit of historical review.

Who will benefit?

The prime audience for the course is personnel directly involved in manufacturing products in all segment of the industry. This includes:

  • Manufacturing managers, supervisors, and foremen
  • Quality and process control managers and technicians
  • Non-ceramic engineers (chemical, mechanical, industrial, electrical, etc.) involved in ceramic manufacturing

Other audiences include:

  • Marketing and sales personnel who want to be well versed on the manufacturing technologies their company and competitors use
  • Corporate managers who need to understand the full scope of their manufacturing operations and opportunities for their company


5 modules, 30 lessons, 30 hours of instruction

This course will not only give you an in-depth knowledge of the processes your company currently uses, but will offer insight into newer, cutting-edge processing technologies that might be useful for improving your processing methods or producing whole new products.

The course is taught live, online, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. ET. The live format allows for questions and answers.

Need to miss a lecture?


All lessons have assignments designed to make the material presented as relevant to your individual needs as possible.


Looking for training customized to your company? Do you want a course taught privately to your employees? Call Customer Service at 614-890-4700 for details, or contactKevin Thompson了解公司合作伙伴的培训福利。

For other questions about ACerS online courses, emailcustomerservice@www.eurusdlive.com.



Carl Frahme,FACerS, owns a consulting firm focusing in three areas: technical and manufacturing consulting, education and training, and expert witness services. He also teaches material science as an adjunct for the University of Kansas. Frahme has more than 50 years of technical and educational experience and services.


购买预先录制的课程and learn at your own pace


Registration Rate
非成员 $995
会员,个人* $845

*宏碁公司合作伙伴的员工获得折扣个别成员率。蓝宝石企业合作伙伴收到额外的20%折扣;钻石企业合作伙伴额外收到30%的折扣。请联系Customer Service要么614-890-4700 to register employees at the discounted Corporate Partner rates.