Lifetime Membership

ACerS Lifetime Membership is designed for individual members who are dedicated to a professional career in the ceramic and glass community. This membership option allows members to avoid dues increases in the future and the need to renew each year.

Lifetime Members enjoy continuous, enhanced benefits at a reduced cost over time, while maintaining membership without ever having to pay membership dues in the future.

Additionally, Lifetime Members who become eligible for awards and recognition will not have to worry about a membership lapse eliminating them as candidates for well-deserved recognition by the Society and its divisions.

Benefits offered exclusively to Lifetime Members include:

  • Eligibility for reduced Senior registration rates for meetings beginning at age 60
  • Identification as a Lifetime Member in the Member Directory
  • Unlimited free divisions and sections
  • Lifetime Member Certificate
  • Designation on membership cards
  • Peace of mind knowing you’ll never have to pay dues again

The cost to secure Lifetime Membership and its continuous benefits is a one-time payment of $2000, which averages out to about 17 years at the current dues rate.

Why Lifetime Membership?

如果你是一个工程师,科学家,或制造商in the ceramic and glass materials fields, then Lifetime Membership is a must.

The key to career success is continuously staying on top of the latest knowledge and trends, while creating and maintaining networks of professionals in academia, laboratories, and industry.

Why wait? Start accessing the countless benefits and savings of Lifetime Membership today!

Rules and Restrictions:

  • Members may change from a Regular Membership to Lifetime Membership at any point
  • Lifetime Memberships are open to anyone, regardless of new member or current member status
  • Lifetime Membership is non-assignable and non-refundable

How do I join?

To learn more about Lifetime Memberships or to join, contactKevin Thompson, Membership Director.