The Canada Chapter of The American Ceramic Society serves ACerS members throughout Canada for the purpose of promoting the arts and sciences connected with ceramics and glass science and engineering. Events such as workshops, industrial showcases, and seminars are planned to enhance and facilitate the interaction, technical discussions, and potential collaborations between ACerS members in Canada. These will focus on the development of early career researchers to present their work to our members, provide publicity for job opportunities, and the establishment of networking collaborations.

The Canada Chapter is headquartered in Varennes, Quebec.

  • Chair: Dr. Federico Rosei
  • Secretary: Dr. Daniel Boyd
  • Treasurer: Dr. Eva Hemmer

If you would like to contact any of the Canada Chapter officers, visit theACerS online membership directoryfor contact details. You must be a member to access the directory. Or, you may contact Karen McCurdy atkmccurdy@www.eurusdlive.comfor assistance.

Canada Chapter supports students at MCARE 21

Congratulations to the students of the Canada Chapter, Rocío Castelo-Mato, Mojtaba Gilzad Kohan, Getachew Solomon, and Sheila Torres for being awarded MCARE 21 conference registrations by the Canada Chapter.

Canada Chapter Hosts Young Professionals in Toronto

The Canada Chapter of ACerS was pleased to host theDistinguished Young Professionals Forumspeakers who participated in the2nd Global Forum on Advanced Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Developmentconference in Toronto, Canada. The networking happy hour took place on Monday, July 22, 2019.

The event offered a great opportunity for Young Professionals to meet experts from different ceramic backgrounds, as well as members of the Canada Chapter.


事件发生在加拿大分会的就职Tuesday, November 13, 2018, at the Centre INRS-EMT à Bonaventure in Montreal, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

我们有两个出色的演讲者,Marta Cerutti艾莎ciate Professor in Materials Engineering at McGill University, and Clara Santato, Full Professor in the Department of Engineering Physics at Polytechnique Montréal, both of whom covered a broad range of grand challenges in ceramics research. A full house of over 45 attendees represented an exciting and broad cross section of ceramics interests and backgrounds, which facilitated engaging discussions and networking. Participants also enjoyed a buffet dinner.

Canada Chapter 11.13.2018 attendees SIZED
Clara Santato RESIZED

Check back often for upcoming meetings!