ACerS Art, Archaeology & Conservation Science Division

Our Mission

To advance the scientific understanding of the materials found in ceramic art, and to provide information that aids in the interpretation, and preservation of traditional ceramic art and artifacts, as well as the techniques and technologies used in their creations.

Bulletin Highlights

TheBulletinis a non-peer reviewed membership publication of The American Ceramic Society. Articles that highlight the AACS are hyperlinked below.

Since 2014, the AACS Division has hosted a symposium at the Material Science & Technology Conference during even numbered years. This symposium has focused on the application of material science to cultural heritage.

Since 2013 in odd numbered years, the AACS Division has hosted a student-oriented, hand-on workshop that highlights the application of material science to cultural heritage. The division financially sponsors student participation to the extent possible on an as-needed basis.

Read about the division'ssponsorships.

Recognizing an individual(s), who has made outstanding contributions to materials science applied to art, archaeology, architecture or cultural heritage.

Access articles published in theJournal of the American Ceramic SocietyandInternational Journal of Applied Glass Science.

View our 2021-2022 AACS Division Officers.

View the Division’s annual reports and rules governing the division.

The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) values and seeks diverse and inclusive participation within the field of ceramic science and engineering.

ACerS strives to promote involvement and access to leadership opportunity regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, geographic location, career path or academic level.

About The Art, Archaeology & Conservation Science Division

Learn how AACS can help your research and career. Download and share the AACS flyer summarizing the Division’s benefits, mission and focused meetings.

Career Opportunities

Career opportunities

ACerS Career Center
University of Delaware: Art Conservation positions
Smithsonian’s Museum Conservation Institute Fellowships and Internships

To learn more about the ceramic arts community, visit the Ceramic Arts Network pageat this link.

Materialism Podcast Support

2020年,他的部门提供了赞助lp produce the University of Utah's materials science podcasts co-created by Professor Taylor Sparks, student moderator, Andrew Falkowski, and student audio technician Jared Duffy. The Materialism Podcast is a podcast dedicated to exploring the past, present, and future of materials science. Click on the icon below to listen to one of the many interesting episodes.