John Hellmann_Header.


张春材料Scienc名誉教授e and Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University, where he received both a bachelor’s and a Ph.D. in ceramic science. He began his career at Penn State in 1986 as assistant professor of ceramic science and engineering and assistant director of the Center for Advanced Materials. Prior to his retirement in 2021, Hellmann was the senior associate dean for graduate education and research. His responsibilities included oversite of a $65 million annual research and education portfolio on earth, energy, materials, and environmental science, comprising over 150 faculty and 600 graduate students in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.

Hellmann于1973年加入了宏碁。他对宏碁的众多贡献包括acers董事会,并获得陶瓷教育委员会(CEC)优秀的教育家(2008),Greaves-Walker of Rense(2018)和Arthur L.Friedberg陶瓷工程教程和讲座(2020)。Hellmann还担任宾夕法尼亚州中央围棋,陶瓷教育委员会主席,国家陶瓷工程师协会和克拉马斯国家专业陶瓷工程兄弟会。

