Our customers say it best.

"...The best available source of phase diagrams of ceramic systems"


William Fahrenholtz, professor of ceramic engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology

阅读有关华氏如何使用流架相位平衡图的更多信息this interview with AZO Materials

“it's extremely awesome”


Andrew Cai, M.S. Candidate in Materials Science and Engineering

“... extremely useful for identifying new areas of research.“

Scott Mccormack, PhD student



西奥多·贝斯曼(Theodore M. Besmann)博士


“When focusing on materials design and discovery, whether in computationally- or experimentally-led endeavors, starting with phase equilibria is of primal importance. Having a curated and centralized database of phase diagrams such as the PED maintained by ACerS-NIST is an essential resource supporting the advancement of ceramics.”

胡安·克劳迪奥·尼诺(Juan Claudio Nino)

“We rely on…Phase Equilibria Diagrams for both our research and in teaching.”

We rely on access to Phase Equilibria Diagrams for both our research and in teaching. In my research, we utilize them on a weekly basis. Students are often synthesizing compounds for solid state battery work and need to select appropriate process temperatures based on guidance from phase diagrams. In my research on glasses as catalysts for diesel particulate filters access to phase diagrams has been invaluable for selecting compositions and in devising new glass formulations. I also use Phase Equilibria Diagrams in my teaching. I regularly illustrate concepts in materials processing by utilizing phase diagrams. I also use them in teaching students how to decipher ternary phase diagrams. I strongly support continuation of the ACerS-NIST phase diagram project.

Paul J. McGinn



Jeffrey W. Fergus博士,PE

“ ...节省了我很多时间……”

Lavina Beckman,博士候选人

“Trying to work without consulting a phase diagram first is like trying to travel without a map…”

“首先尝试在不咨询相图的情况下工作,就像试图在没有地图的情况下旅行,而Acers是周围地图的最佳来源 - 这是陶瓷的Rand McNally地图集。”


“The ACerS phase diagram database is a useful tool…”




We are in the business of developing new materials that are based on ceramics/glasses and therefore regularly have to refer to the phase diagrams. We use both old paper versions we have on the bookshelves but for internal reports and presentations having the electronic versions present makes it much easier to pinpoint the areas of phase diagrams we are working in. The binary and ternary diagrams are the most useful for us.
