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Eileen De Guire, ACerS director of technical content and communications

The American Ceramic Society was founded in 1898 by brick manufacturers to provide information to help solve problems related to producing uniform clay-based products. Ceramic manufacturing has evolved and expanded in the intervening 121 years. But, the need for relevant, timely information remains urgent.

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Who should read C&GM?

Ceramic & Glass Manufacturing—ACerS’ NEW B2B magazine—delivers news and information for ceramic and glass manufacturers and businesses. Published quarterly, starting December 2019,C&GMprovides useful, relevant, timely articles from experts in the industry.

If you are a manufacturer, plant engineer, plant manager, production leader, operator, supply chain vendor, purchasing manager, sales team member, product developer, or otherwise connected with making and selling ceramic or glass components—this magazine is for you.

Manufacturers face urgent issues daily—C&GMcontent addresses today’s information needs:

  • Feature articles focused on practical solutions
  • 人们新闻
  • Business news
  • Trade show news and reports

How isC&GMdifferent fromACerS Bulletin?

Unique Identity

In 2020,C&GMwill publish within theBulletin, a “magazine with a magazine.” It will have a separate online identity. And, as a B2B magazine rather than a membership magazine, the content is all-industry focused.


C&GM是今天的制造商:现在制作产品的公司面临的紧急问题是什么?相比之下,ACerSBulletinlooks to the near future—what will we be making 5-10 years from now?

What will C&GM cover?


第一个问题Ceramic & Glass Manufacturing2019年12月首映。

“We really didn’t have a publication dedicated to the urgent information needs of manufacturers and business,” says Eileen De Guire, ACerS director of technical content and communications. “Now we do.”

Initially,C&GMwill publish within the pages of theBulletin。但是,它会有它的自己的网站and electronic distribution. A companion e-newsletter,C&GM Weekly, launched in early 2020.

C&GM editorial calendar 2021

Issue Theme
April 2021 Additive manufacturing: Where are the opportunities?
June/July 2021 Pandemic lessons a year later
September 2021 生产性合作与工业,学术界和政府合作
December 2021 Navigating acquisitions