玛丽安妮白他是加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯达尔豪西大学化学研究(荣誉退休教授)的Harry Shirreff。她是材料热性能研究领域的专家,从元素的基本热力学到在热能存储、热电和热变色方面的应用。


为她对公众对科学意识的贡献,玛丽安妮被授予2007年麦克尼尔皇家加拿大皇家奖牌。Mary Anne的其他荣誉包括麦克马斯特大学,西安大略大学和渥太华大学的荣誉博士。She is also the recipient of the Noranda Award (for contributions to physical chemistry) and the Canadian Light Source T. K. Sham Award for Materials Chemistry of the Canadian Society for Chemistry, the Sunner Award of the Calorimetry Conference, and the Union Carbide Award for Chemical Education from the Chemical Institute of Canada. In 2012, she received an American Chemical Society Award for Incorporation of Sustainability into Chemical Education. In 2013, she was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and in 2016 she was installed as an Officer of the Order of Canada.



