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One of the legends of materials science and of science in general,Rustum Roy, passed away Aug. 26, 2010. Although he was a stellar researcher, he considered himself to be a citizen-scientist and urged his colleagues to deeply consider how science, society, art and education can interact in productive and nonproductive ways.

It is difficult to summarize Roy’s influence on the world of science, let alone just the fields of ceramics and glass. He held five professorships: three at Pennsylvania State University, one at Arizona State University and one at the University of Arizona. He was a 32-year member of the National Academy of Engineering, with the rare distinction also of having been elected to the National Academies of Science/Engineering of Russia, Japan, Sweden and India.

In 2003, the Institute for Scientific Information ranked Penn State’s Materials Research Laboratory, which he founded in 1962 and directed for a quarter century, first in the world on the basis of the number of highly cited scientists in the lab.

罗伊(Roy)在材料字段上留下了永久标记,从其最基本的基础开始:相图和晶体化学。他在50,000篇论文中使用了(不仅引用)(不仅引用)新材料处理中的主要发现(Sol -Gel流程)中的主要发现。他在水热反应,微波处理,玻璃中的成核,放射性废物,纳米复合材料和超导体方面的工作也留下了永久的遗产。

Roy became a Fellow of The American Ceramic Society in 1961 and elevated to Distinguished Life Member in 1993. He had also sponsored one of the most anticipated annual lectures of ACerS: The Frontiers of Science Rustum Roy Lecture series that has been a fixture of the Society’s Annual Meetings.

罗伊撰写或合著数以百计的论文,傻人nded and edited numerous newsletters and journals in materials science and engineering education. One of his recent papers appeared in the first issue of ACerS’ new International Journal of Applied Glass Science, “Glass Science and Glassmaking: A Personal Perspective”并代表了他职业生涯的巡回演出:

“这篇论文展示了玻璃提供了e of the earliest, and still rare, examples of controlled use of science at the nanolevel in a well-established gigatechnology. The glass community-from the Venetian glass makers (and the science of luminaries such as Michael Faraday and Isaac Newton) down through major industrial successes such as glass-ceramics-are examples of excellent nanoengineers practicing clever applications of manipulation of matter at the nano and subnano scale. This paper describes the evolution of the understanding of nanoheterogeneity of the structure (and composition of virtually all useful glasses) that has been the key evolutionary “invention” in this process. It then makes the case that glass (and polymer) technology has an enormous advantage over all of the nanomaterial technologies that are confronted with the enormous barrier of assembling large numbers of very small particles into useful products on a large scale, as recognized by the recently anointed patron saint of the present nanofever, Richard Feynman, in his only paper in the field. Finally, this paper introduces glass scientists to a radically new opportunity via a totally new way to convert crystalline matter into glasses (noncrystalline solids)-for all scientists interested in the glassy state.”

Roy also chaired the Science Advisory Committee of the Friends of Health, a nonprofit group that examines a range of disruptive innovations in human healing based on materials science and physics.

In anobituary在宾夕法尼亚州立大学的网站上,罗伊的一位同事卡洛·潘塔诺(Carlo Pantano)说:

“Rustum Roy made a difference for the field of materials science and for Penn State. He had a tremendous publication record extending back 60 years that people still refer to in their research. At every step of the way he seemed to be ahead of the curve, in research as well as in the way he managed the scientific enterprise. He was well-known to be an enthusiastic and provocative lecturer by students and colleagues alike. His crystal chemistry course was on every graduate student’s course list, in addition to numerous special topics courses he created in concert with the latest and hottest research topics in materials science.”

Roy was interested in science policy as much as science, itself, and he served as a science policy fellow at the Brookings Institution from 1982 to 1983 and was a visiting fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C., from 1980 to 1985.


Finally, it is important to note Roy’s long-time marriage to fellow materials scientist Della Martin Roy, another legendary figure in the world of material science and policy.

这是罗伊的正式obituaryfrom the中心日报

Rustum Roy, 86, of State College, died Thursday, August 26, 2010 at Foxdale Village.

他于1924年7月3日出生于印度兰奇(Ranchi),是已故纳伦德拉·库马尔(Narendra Kumar)和拉杰库玛里·罗伊(Rajkumari Roy)的第七个孩子。1948年6月8日,他与幸存下来的德拉·马丁(Della Martin)结婚。

还幸存的是三个孩子,即州立大学的尼尔·R·罗伊(Neill R.,医学博士;两个孙子Simone和Naren;一个兄弟,印度的Prodipto Roy和佐治亚州的姐姐Ioni Dipti Sisodia;以及许多侄女和侄子。


他与宾夕法尼亚州立大学联系了65年,担任研究生和教职员工。在宾夕法尼亚州立大学,他担任埃文·普格(Evan Pugh)固态教授,担任S.T.S.教授和地球化学教授。他还是亚利桑那州立大学的杰出材料教授,也是亚利桑那大学的客座教授。He was appointed and served for 23 years as the first director of an independent interdisciplinary Materials Research Laboratory in the U.S. He was elected to numerous national and international scientific academies including the U.S. National Academy of Engineering.他共同创立了开拓性的nterdogiolary科学学会 - 材料研究学会,并继续将科学和技术的界限推进到现在,包括在新兴水科学领域的开创性研究,以及对凝结物质的共鸣效应。


He was very active in ecumenical religious life for over 60 years and co-founded the interdenominational Sycamore Community. His insight into the world’s main religions led him to work to break down the boundaries between Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism and other religions. He served on the Executive Committee of the National Council of Churches, was a leader in the Kirkridge retreat center, and was the friend and colleague of many religious leaders including Bishop John Robinson, John Shelby Spong, Prof. Harvey Cox, Sister Joan Chittister and Reverend Gordon Cosby. He was also invited by the Pope to the Vatican committee regarding the rehabilitation of Galileo.

He was a champion of interdisciplinary K-12 schooling and was the driving force behind creation of the interdisciplinary field of Science, Technology and Society. He served as Science Advisor to a number of successive Pennsylvania Governors and chaired for many years the Science and Society Sector of President Mikhail Gorbachev’s State of the World forum.

罗伊教授成为综合医学的拥护者,与安德鲁·韦尔(Andrew Weil),迪帕克·乔普拉(Deepak Chopra),拉里·多赛(Larry Dossey),B.M。等人的开创性人物结盟。Hegde,Marc Newkirk,Patrick Flanagan,Hans Peter Duerr,Vladimir Voeikov和Yan Xin,目的是将整个人的艺术和科学进步带给更广阔的公众。他曾是卫生之友的创始人兼赞助商,曾担任Chopra基金会的联席主席,并在VoiceAmerica.com上主持了现场互联网脱口秀节目。

He was also a long time promoter of art and the field of art and science, and was responsible for bringing the works of artists, such as Barbara Hepworth, Max Bill, and Fredrick Franck, to the University.
