马克·J·戴维斯(Mark J. Davis),1960年12月16日 - 4月2日

On April 2nd2021 Mark Davis passed away after fighting brain cancer for 17 months. The glass community has lost a wonderful person and a superb scientist.



马克研究了玻璃中的成核,1,2,3ICG技术委员会“结晶和玻璃陶瓷”(TC7)和Acers Glass and Optical Materials部(GOMD)成为他的科学家。通过组织2006年在怀俄明州杰克逊霍尔的传奇会议,他找到了理想的位置,就在大提顿山脉的基础上,通过将正确的领先专家汇集在一起​​,进行了令人难忘的科学交流。他曾担任纽约州康宁市2010年ACERS GOMD年度会议主席,并于2018年成为ICG TC7的主席,直到他的病迫使他辞职。

马克留下他的妻子琼和他的两个耐火粘土ters, Emily and Sarah, whom he often called “the greatest achievements of his life.” All of us miss him as the ever friendly and inspiring person he was, who always showed extreme respect to others. His curious, always positive, encouraging, and sound contributions will be missed in the future.

Contributed by friends and colleagues: Joachim Deubener, Alicia Duran, Ulrich Fotheringham, Joe Hayden, Wolfram Höland, William James, Martin Letz, Steve Martin, John Mauro, Ina Mitra, Ralf Müller, Wolfgang Pannhorst, Edgar Zanotto, and Joe Zwanziger.

[1] Davis,M.J。“眼镜和液体中的结晶”(2007)美国陶瓷学会杂志m6米乐网官网,90(3),p。681

[3] Davis, M.J. “Effect of the Growth Treatment on Two-Stage Nucleation Experiments” (2001)美国陶瓷学会杂志m6米乐网官网,84(3),第492-496页

[2] Davis, M. “Effect of the growth treatment on two-stage nucleation experiments: The “flushing” effect” (2000)Glass Science and Technology: Glastechnische Berichte,73(1供应c),第170-177页
