GGRN Membership

Global Graduate Researcher Network (GGRN) is a membership of The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) that addresses the professional and career development needs of graduate-level research students who have a primary interest in ceramics and glass.


You are at a unique point in your student career. You’ve made the decision to further your education by obtaining a masters or Ph.D. — a decision that requires extensive research in a specialized area of interest.

If that interest includes ceramics or glass, GGRN membership is your first stop on the path toward post-graduate success.

Join GGRNfor just $30and enjoy access to ACerS invaluable information, expertise, and targeted programming resources as well as an international network of graduate-level students, just like yourself, who are looking for a place to call their professional home.


ACerS Meetings

You may choose to attend anACerS meetingat the nonmember graduate student meeting rate, and in doing so you will receive one year of GGRN membership.

GGRN provides access to targeted opportunities

Join up to three ACerSDivisionsfor FREE!

Connect with other ceramic and glass graduate students by joiningGGRN on Facebook!

Career preparation tools –free webinarsand “lunch and learn” sessions at meetings.

Discountedmeeting/conferenceregistration fees.

24/7 access to ACerSpeer-reviewed technical journals.

Learn how to get published in ACerS journals withtraining and information sessions.

Access to leadership and professional development opportunities through thePresident's Council of Student Advisors (PCSA).

Valuable resources and member benefitsto engage young ceramic and glass scientists!

Stay up to date with current graduate student opportunities

Ceramic and glass scope logo

Ceramic & Glass Scope

Monthly e-newsletter for students that showcases: contests, scholarships, travel grants, student authored articles, webinars, podcasts, and more.

Current student members will receive the e-newsletter in their inbox each month. Make sure to mark us as 'safe sender' so we don't end up in your junk mail!

GGRN Facebook page

Follow@acersgradsfor posts relevant to grad student life, current opportunities, and more!

President's Council of Student Advisors (PCSA)

The PCSA is ACerS student-led committee responsible for representing student interests to ACerS and its subsidiary committees, divisions, sections, and classes.

The PCSA is an important opportunity for students to help reach and serve the next generation of ceramic and glass materials professionals, while promoting awareness of ceramic and glass science and engineering to the general public.

Have Questions?

For more information on becoming aGGRN Member, contact Yolanda Natividad at +1-614-794-5827.