ICC4 and 3rd Ceramic Leadership Summit

The 4th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC4) was held July 15-19, 2012, in Chicago, IL. It was hosted by The American Ceramic Society. The International Ceramic Federation (ICF) convenes the ICC every two years in cooperation with ICF member Societies.

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ICC4吸引了来自40个国家 /地区的470名业务领导者和材料专业人士来塑造陶瓷的未来。由于陶瓷材料对下一代技术的进步至关重要,因此ICC4计划涵盖了航空航天等多样化的主题。生物学和医学;电,光学和磁性陶瓷和设备;环境,能源和运输;基础设施;纳米结构陶瓷;以及安全和战略材料。此外,该计划涵盖了创新劳动力的发展,以应对这些挑战,并着重于第三陶瓷领导峰会上的企业家精神和技术转移。除传统海报外,ICC首次使用LCD显示器进行了交互式技术论坛。 The Congress concluded with review of the emerging opportunities and challenges for the ceramics and glass communities that are identified over the week. Attached is a summary of the report that was presented in the final Shaping the Future of Ceramics Wrap-up Session.

Meeting Guide

ICC4 Wrap Up

CTT post archive

Wolfgang Rossner video
