来自38个国家的1,021人参加了第35届国际会议,并参加了有关高级陶瓷和复合材料的博览会。ICACC’11于2011年1月23日至28日在佛罗里达州代托纳比奇的希尔顿代托纳海滩度假胜地和海洋中心举行。今年,工程陶瓷部门负责人迪莱普·辛格(Dileep Singh)计划主席,超过75个组织者整理了一项技术计划,其中包括750台演讲和海报。会议包括14个研讨会和两个重点主题。此外,它还包括第一太平洋边缘工程陶瓷峰会。周二和周三晚上在邻近的代托纳海滩海洋中心举行了展览和海报会议。展览包括51位参展商,每天晚上吸引500多人。




American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90. No. 2, pg 34.


Meeting History

In 1977, The American Ceramic Society’s Ceramic-Metal Systems Division held its 1st Annual Conference on Composites and Advanced Materials in Cocoa Beach, Florida with 21 in attendance. In 1985, the Ceramic-Metal Division changed it name to the current Engineering Ceramics Davison. While the meeting underwent a few name changes through its history, one thing had remained contact – the meeting location in Cocoa Beach. Thus, most people referred to the meeting as simply “The Cocoa Beach Meeting.” Things changed in 2007, however, as “The Cocoa Beach Meeting” moved up the coast to Daytona Beach to accommodate the growth of this popular meeting. The move was successful as the 2007 conference was the first ICACC to attract more than 1,000 attendees. While the meeting location has changed, the meeting’s purpose remains constant – to provide a high quality technical program with the latest information on advanced ceramics and composites and to provide the best possible venue for networking opportunities.
