
我来自35个国家的1010人参加了第33名nternational Conference and Exposition on Advance Ceramics and Composites. ICACC 2009 was held January 18-23, 2009, at the Hilton Daytona Beach Resort & Ocean Center, Daytona Beach, FL. This year, Jonathan Salem, 2009 ICACC Program Chair, the Engineering Ceramics Division Leaders, and over 75 organizers put together a technical program that included 669 presentations and posters. The Conference include 11 Symposium and 4 Focused Topics, including symposia co-organized with the Electronics Division and the Nuclear & Environmental Division. Learn more about the第34届国际会议以及高级陶瓷和复合材料的博览会


Meeting Summary

2009 ICACC Daytona Beach Report

American Ceramic Society Bulletin,卷。88.第3号,第19-20页。


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ICACC 2009和以前的会议的程序作为ACER的一部分可用Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings(CESP). In 2009, the ICACC proceeding were published in nine volumes.

以前的ICACC会议的论文作为一部分CESP Online,可通过Wiley Publishing获得。这个在线资源允许您搜索并下载CESP卷1-27中发表的3,000多篇论文,总共有159期。卷包括各种会议的程序,每年添加。完整的会议注册人于2009年9月在CD上收到了2009年ICACC诉讼。



International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technologywas available at a discount through ICACC’09 registration.


1977年,美国陶m6米乐网官网瓷学会的陶瓷金属系统部门在佛罗里达州可可海滩举行了第一届复合材料和高级材料会议,参加了21次。1985年,陶瓷金属划分将其名称更改为当前的工程陶瓷戴维森(Davison)。当会议在其历史上发生了一些名称时,一件事仍然保持联系 - 可可海滩的会议地点。因此,大多数人将会议称为“可可海滩会议”。

Things changed in 2007, however, as “The Cocoa Beach Meeting” moved up the coast to Daytona Beach to accommodate the growth of this popular meeting. The move was successful as the 2007 conference was the first ICACC to attract more than 1,000 attendees. While the meeting location has changed, the meeting’s purpose remains constant – to provide a high quality technical program with the latest information on advanced ceramics and composites and to provide the best possible venue for networking opportunities.
