The Japan Chapter of The American Ceramic Society serves ACerS members throughout Japan for the purpose of promoting the arts and sciences connected with ceramics and glass science and engineering. Events such as workshops, industrial showcases, and seminars are planned to enhance and facilitate the interaction, technical discussions, and potential collaborations between and among ACerS members in Japan.

The Japan Chapter is headquartered in Osaka, Japan.

Officers of the Japan Chapter are:

Chair: Prof. Nobuhito Imanaka, Osaka University

Chair-Elect: Dr. Kiyoshi Shimamura, National Institute for Materials Science

Secretary: Dr. Theresa Davey, Tohoku University

Treasurer: Dr. Shinji Tamura, Osaka University

If you would like to contact any of the officers for the Japan Chapter, visit theACerS online membership directoryfor contact details. You must be a member to access the directory. Or, you may contact Karen McCurdy atkmccurdy@www.eurusdlive.comfor assistance.

Check back often for upcoming meetings and events!

Japan Chapter co-organizes the International Session at the Annual Fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan

2021年9月2日,日本co-organiz章ed the International Session of the Annual Fall meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan. The speakers and programs are available at thislink.

ACerS Japan Chapter announces inaugural event

The Japan Chapter of ACerS is pleased to announce their inaugural event,The International Symposium at the Annual Spring Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japantook place on March 25 2021.The symposium was co-organized with the Ceramic Society of Japan and the new Japan Chapter of ACerS.
Program details can be found at thislinkor visit the meetingwebsite.