Thank you for your interest in volunteering with ACerS.

One of the best ways to get connected is by volunteering. If you're wondering what opportunities might be available, or have questions as a prospective volunteer, please review the tools below. Please note that, for the most part, volunteering does require that you be amember of ACerS.

Get involved in a division, section or chapter

ACerS Member Online Community

In our new online community you can:

  • Communicate with other members between meetings
  • Seek answers to your questions and solutions to your problems
  • Search and connect with colleagues
  • Follow up with new friends after a conference
  • Send emails to your contacts—no more searching your inbox for lost emails!
  • 创建一个调查,问一个问题,或分享一个更新
  • Bookmark conversations for quick reference later

Learn more about the ACerS member online communitym6app下载 !

ACerS member online community volunteer opportunities

Are you interested in becoming more involved with ACerS, your division, or your group (Young Professionals Network, etc.)? There are a number of ways to get involved! A couple of opportunities to do so is by volunteering as aSuper MemberorModeratorwithin the ACerS Member Community.

Check out the guidelines for each volunteer position below.

Interested? Pleasesend us a messageto let us know!

  • Finance Committee
  • Nominating Committee
  • Publications Committee
  • Book Publishing Sub-Committee
  • Bulletin Editorial Advisory Board
  • Meetings Committee
  • Member Services Committee
  • Diversity and Inclusion Sub-Committee
  • Society Awards Committee
  • Strategic Planning & Emerging Opportunities Committee
  • Material Advantage Committee

ACerS Board of Directors

Elected by the membership from among its members, The American Ceramic Society’s Board of Directors sets policy, approves the budget, makes appointments to leadership and representative positions, confers awards, and carries out other important matters for the Society. Ultimately, the board is responsible for setting the Society’s strategic direction.

Board members are elected to three-year terms. Nine voting directors serve at-large. Their terms are staggered so that a third of the at-large seats become vacant every year. The president is elected to a term of one year as a voting member. The president also serves one year in advance of his/her term as president-elect, and one year following as the immediate past president. The Society’s treasurer is appointed for a two-year term. ACerS executive director, parliamentarian and student member serve as non-voting, ex-officio members of the Board.

Each year, the Nominating Committee of The American Ceramic Society considers several dozen candidates for the three director positions available each year on ACerS Board of Directors. This form is used to collect information from potential candidates for nominees to ensure that all potential candidates are given fair and equal consideration, whether or not they are personally known to members of the Nominating Committee.


Each year, the Nominating Committee of The American Ceramic Society considers several candidates for the president-elect position of the ACerS Board of Directors. This form is used to collect information from potential candidates for nominees to ensure that all potential candidates are given fair and equal consideration, whether or not they are personally known to members of the Nominating Committee.

候选人被要求填写表单(s)有限公司mpletely as possible, following the instructions given. ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WILL REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND BE AVAILABLE ONLY TO THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE. The one exception to this is that we may choose to solicit additional information from the references you provide. This form(s) will stay on file for THREE YEARS from the date of application.