Functional nanomaterials with intrinsically new and tailored properties are key elements for developing sustainable solutions for energy, environment and health. Specifically, this symposium will focus on new energy technologies and devices based on inorganic, hybrid and composite materials. Particular emphasis will be given to novel synthesis approaches, surface functionalization, and heterostructuring of nanoparticles, nanowires, and nanoscopic films., fundamentally new properties, and energy-efficient materials synthesis. Applications of nanostructures in photocatalysis, photovoltaic, energy, sensing and bio-medical applications that combine advanced processing with conceptual advancement will form the major thrust areas.

Contributions related to energy applications such as perovskite materials, batteries, fuel cells, water splitting, and carbon dioxide conversion as well as transparent conductors and challenges related to the large-scale production and integration of functional and structural nanomaterials are highly desired.

Proposed sessions

  • Synthesis, functionalization and assembly of inorganic and hybrid nanostructures
  • Nanomaterials for energy conversion and storage and catalysis
  • Metal oxide nanostructures for sensing, batteries and water-splitting applications
  • Nanomaterials for photocatalysis, solar hydrogen and thermoelectrics
  • Nanotoxicity, drug-delivery and tissue engineering with tailored nano-bioconjugates
  • Functional coatings on Glass & innovative thin film techniques (e.g., ALD, PECVD)
  • Industrial production and application of nanomaterials & coatings
  • Carbon nanostructures, 2D materials and metal chalcogenides
  • Computational methods in the design of tailored nanostructured materials
  • Interfacial materials and multi-material heterostructures & nanocomposites


  • Thomas Fischer, University of Cologne, Germany,
  • Muhammet Toprak, Stockholm University, Sweden,
  • Shashank Mishra, University of Lyon, France,
  • Sanjay Mathur, University of Cologne, Germany,
  • Hidehiro Kamiya, University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
  • Silke Christiansen, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
  • Sedat Ballikaya, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
  • Gunnar Westin, Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Flavio de Souza, Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil
  • 丹尼尔蔡,国立大学Singapore, Singapore
  • Yasuhiro Tachibana, RMIT, Australia
  • Kwang Ho Kim, Busan National University, Korea
  • Wenbin Cao, University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China
