Petroceramics SPA
Kilometro Rosso Science & Technology Park
Stezzano, viale Europa, 2 – 24040 (BG) Italy

Tel: +39 035 0770886

Petroceramics was founded in 2003 and was the first spin off of the University of Milan. Since 2007 we have been working with Brembo to project and develop advanced materials for automotive applications. Our R&D activities focus on carbon-ceramic material for brake discs manufacturing and friction materials for brake pads.

Besides the R&D services we provide to our customers, we do have our own R&D projects, mostly addressed to automotive applications. Our expertise focuses on the design of innovative material architectures for ceramic matrix composites, mainly aiming to improve mechanical and thermal properties. We have recently developed and patented an innovative polymer system for the matrix of composites operating at high temperatures. This brought us to launch an innovative pre-preg, whose trade mark is C-preg400.
