Ceramic Tech Chat

如何制定开发的ic plan: Mark Mecklenborg and Dana Goski

December 08, 2021 m6米乐网官网 Episode 20
Ceramic Tech Chat
如何制定开发的ic plan: Mark Mecklenborg and Dana Goski

Strategic plans are a crucial tool for businesses to track their progress toward certain goals, but how do you develop a strategic plan? ACerS executive director Mark Mecklenborg and past president Dana Goski share how the new strategic plan for ACerS was developed, its top-level goals, and how the Society will start working with the plan.

View the transcript for this episodehere.

Mark Mecklenborg is executive director at The American Ceramic Society. Dana Goski is ACerS past president and vice president of research and development at Allied Mineral Products, a global monolithic refractory producer headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. Mecklenborg and Goski helped lead the process to develop ACerS’ new strategic plan, which the Board of Directors approved in September 2021. View a high-level overview of the planat this link, and find ways to get involved with supporting the planhere. Questions? Contact Mecklenborg atmmecklenborg@www.eurusdlive.com.

About ACerS
Founded in 1898, The American Ceramic Society is the leading professional membership organization for scientists, engineers, researchers, manufacturers, plant personnel, educators, and students working with ceramics and related materials.
