Ceramic Tech Chat

Aircraft Ceramics at NASA and University: Beth Opila

May 13, 2020 m6米乐网官网 第一集
Ceramic Tech Chat
Aircraft Ceramics at NASA and University: Beth Opila

Did you know ceramics play a vital role in protecting aircraft engines? University of Virginia professor Beth Opila discusses her work on ultrahigh-temperature ceramics at both NASA and university, how good research comes from weaving together ideas from a variety of sources, and her suggestions for students unsure of what career to pursue.

View the transcript for this episode在这里.

About the guest
Elizabeth "Beth" Opila is professor of materials science and engineering at the University of Virginia since 2010. Before joining the faculty at UVA, Opila was a materials research scientist at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, for 19 years. Her research focuses on thermodynamics and kinetics of high-temperature water vapor interactions with metals and ceramics as well as oxidation mechanisms of silicon-based ceramics, ceramic matrix composites, and ultrahigh-temperature ceramics. Learn more about her research在这里.

About ACerS
Founded in 1898, The American Ceramic Society is the leading professional membership organization for scientists, engineers, researchers, manufacturers, plant personnel, educators, and students working with ceramics and related materials.
