
[Image above] More than 1,100 scientists and engineers have escaped winter’s wrath and converged on Daytona Beach for the 39Th国际高级陶瓷和复合材料会议版本。信用:宏cers

39Thedition of the国际高级陶瓷和复合材料会议opened Monday in Daytona Beach. While the northeastern United States braces for an epic snowstorm, about 1,100 scientists and engineers from around the world are here to attend symposia, give presentations, network, and meet customers and vendors at the expo.


Participants eagerly await the plenary session speakers. Credit: ACerS

程序主席Soshu Kirihara开幕了会议。今年,近一半的与会者来自大约40个国家,这可能是本次会议有史以来最大的国际特遣队。同样,今年,会议接受了创纪录的摘要数量,因此散落到酒店的其他一些地区。

Soshu Kirihara

程序主席Soshu Kirihara开幕了会议。信用:宏cers

David R. Clarkeopened the plenary technical session with the James I. Mueller Award lecture on materials selection of next-generation thermal barrier coatings (TBC) for gas turbine engines. About one-third of the U.S. natural gas supply generates about 40% of the nation’s electric power. “Gas turbines can displace a lot of coal,” Clarke says. Natural gas has a high energy density, and one gas turbine produces more power than the world’s largest solar power plant.



Sanjay Mathur—the 2015 Bridge Building Award winner—presented his group’s work on chemical processing of nanostructured ceramics. “Precursor chemistry influences where a material is going,” Mathur says. Using energy and healthcare applications as examples, Mathur showed how precursor chemistry of inorganic materials influences functionality of the final product. For example, doping small amounts of nitrogen into titanium dioxide increases bioactivity of nanoparticles for osseointegration.


火灾报警interrupte时(Mathur是平静的d his talk. Thirty minutes later, after the “all clear,” he calmly picked up where he was and finished.)




首先是卡托·劳伦金。劳伦金(Laurencin)是一位明星 - 他的简历很容易使他的(非常聪明,成就率很高的)观众感到懒惰。但是,他迅速将自己作为一名材料科学家(我们中的一个人”的材料资格,这是为了将材料设计成组织,这也要求他成为外科医生和生化研究人员。


The field of regenerative engineering is young—only about 25 years old. Laurencin reviewed its history and some of the field’s successes, for example with bone scaffolds that promote bone growth and dissappear as the growing bone absorbs their chemical constituents. Today, the field is much broader and amazing advances are being realized by integrating tissue with advanced materials and stem cells.

例如,劳伦辛说,可以从“感应材料”中创建任何组织类型(肌肉,肌肉,韧带,软骨和皮肤)。他解释说:“拿一个干细胞,将其放入正确的材料中,您可以使其分化为所需的东西,而没有其他生物学因素。”他通过将干细胞放置在右矿物环境中,并精确地控制钙离子从磷酸钙 - 聚合物复合材料中释放出来,展示了体内骨骼内建造的典范。



The final plenary speaker waskazushige ohno日本的Ibiden的著作,他谈到了柴油颗粒过滤器发展的趋势。他指出,柴油烟灰是仅次于二氧化碳排放的全球变暖的第二大贡献者。排放控制有两种方法:减少或减少NOX。

Ohno outlined advances in silicon carbide filter technology, which includes some interesting balancing between crack formation to generate porosity, but not so much as to crumble. Ohno anticipates that in the mid- to late-2020s, precious metal catalysts will be replaced with zeolite catalysts.

午餐休息后,技术计划认真进行。我坐在里卡多·卡斯特罗(Ricardo Castro)的全球青年调查员奖演讲中。显然,卡斯特罗(Castro)是一位精湛的老师,带领观众通过水合对纳米颗粒表面能量的基本热力学开创性,然后展示知识如何以YSZ为例指导纳米颗粒的工程。

ICACC shows some signs of being “all grown up” with two notable second generation presenters. Shirley Zhu, daughter of ICACC regular Dongming Zhu, presented results from her work as a summer intern atNASA Glenn研究中心在碳化硅添加剂制造上。朱于5月完成了她在化学工程学院的本科学位。在同一研讨会上,高中大三学生安东·塞勒姆(Anton Salem)介绍了他的作品,他也曾在NASA Glenn Research Center担任Glenn高中实习生。他的父亲乔纳森·塞勒姆(Jonathan Salem)是合着者之一。两个年轻人都表现出色。

会议进入“中年”时的未来看起来很光明。越来越多的年轻人在这里 - 大约有200名学生和相当多的年轻专业人士。沃卢西亚县(Volusia County)发布了新闻稿,称该会议每年为150万美元的业务带来。明年40的计划Thjubilee celebration are well underway.



Castro captivates during his Global Young Investigator Award lecture. Credit: ACerS


ICACC常规Dongming Zhu的女儿Shirley Zhu在NASA Glenn研究中心的暑期实习生的工作中介绍了硅碳化物添加剂制造业的结果。信用:宏cers


安东·塞勒姆,,,,who also spent time at NASA Glenn as an intern, was one of two notable “second generation” presenters. Credit: ACerS




Former ACerS presidents Marina Pascucci and Katherine Faber with 2014-2015 president Kathleen Richardson. Credit: ACerS
