0606ctt corrosion lo res



That’s because oxidation causes生锈, corrosion, andfoulingof even the toughest materials we humans can engineer.

Even borides, which are some of the hardest and most heat-resistant materials out there, oxidize at high temperatures, destroying the materials’ structural integrity.

Boride materials are often used in demanding applications in harsh environments, such as wear-resistant coatings, battery electrodes, and high-temperature-resistant structural materials—so when they fail, they can cause big problems.

但是,来自德雷克塞尔大学(宾夕法尼亚州费城)的研究人员,瑞典的Linkoping University和London帝国学院认为他们可以使硼烷变得更好。

By giving the material a protective layer of aluminum, the scientists have developed the world’s first corrosion-resistant boride.

The tough new material, molybdenum aluminum boride (MoAlB), is a molybdenum-boron lattice with alternating layers of aluminum.


0606CTT moalb lo res

Using techniques gleaned from MAX Phase and MXene fabrication, Drexel’s research group developed a method for making corrosion-resistant layered boride. Credit: Drexel

Noting structural similarities, the authors speculated that they could make molybdenum boride with a structure similar to that of MAX phases, which would help the material resist oxidation at high temperatures.


The researchers explain that at high temperatures, aluminum atoms diffuse to the surface of MoAlB, where they react with oxygen to form a protective layer of alumina. “So the material forms its own protective coating,” Michel Barsoum, lead author of the research and distinguished professor in Drexel’s College of Engineering, says in aDrexel Now新闻故事.


Layers in the new molybdenum aluminum boride material, which forms a protective layer of alumina. Credit: Drexel


MoAlB maintains its high conductivity at high temperatures, making it potentially useful in a variety of applications. The team reports that that the material’s melting point is more than 1,400ºC, suggesting that it may lead to development of ultrahigh melting point borides that are oxidation resistant.

The open-access paper, published inScientific Reports, is “氧化铝形成纳米胶质的硼化物的合成和表征:moalb”(doi:10.1038/srep26475)。
