Shelly Wiederhorn enjoyed a surprise planned for him by Arun Varshneya and Steve Feller. Varshneya presented him with a DVD conversion of a 16 mm film Weiderhorn had made showing crack propagation about 30 years ago. Weiderhorn said, “I’ve been looking for that movie for 30 years!” Varshneya also provided a copy to the Society.

[image above] Shelly Wiederhorn enjoyed a surprise planned for him by Arun Varshneya and Steve Feller. Varshneya presented him with a DVD conversion of a 16 mm film Weiderhorn had made showing crack propagation about 30 years ago. Weiderhorn said, “I’ve been looking for that movie for 30 years!” Varshneya also provided a copy to the Society. Credit: ACerS

The jointGOMD-DGG meeting周四关闭,从所有方面来说,这是一个令人振奋的成功。这是令人难忘的迈阿密会议上的最后一张照片。明年在威斯康星州麦迪逊见!

0522ctt publishing

Students learn firsthand about the ins and outs of scientific publishing at a special forum on Wednesday with lunch sponsored by Saint Gobain. The panel experts were (left–right) David Pye, editor of the International Journal of Applied Glass Science; Joseph Zwanziger, editor of the Journal of Noncrystalline Solids; and Matteo Cavalleri, managing editor, John Wiley & Sons.

0522ctt roundtable

Participants from the roundtable discussion, “Glasses in Healthcare: Current Applications and Future Potential.” Credit: ACerS


Sabyasachi Sen from the University of California, Davis, delivered the Varshneya Frontiers of Glass Science Lecture. Sen is pictured here with (from left to right) Arun Varshneya, Darshana Varshneya, Sen, and Steve Feller. Credit: ACerS

0522ctt banq

Steve Feller (left), GOMD chair, welcomes Hansjuergen Barklage-Hilgefort, DGG president, at the conference banquet Tuesday night. Credit: ACerS

0522ctt Mauro

宴会之夜的亮点是授予国际康宁的约翰·毛罗(John Mauro)的扎卡里亚人奖。该奖项由《非晶体固体杂志》颁发。与Mauro合影的是(左右)Karine Van Wetering,Elsevier;JNCS的编辑Edgar Zanotto;毛罗;B.G.JNCS的编辑Potter和JNCS的编辑Joseph Zwanziger。信用:宏cers

0522ctt dancing

Irresistible salsa rhythms drew dancers out of their seats. Credit: ACerS

0522ctt band

A Miami band entertained with Latin jazz and salsa music. Credit: ACerS
