
[上图]新的智能窗口迅速从透明变为黑暗,然后再次改变。学分:迈克尔·麦吉(Michael McGehee);Stanford University

Wouldn’t it be great if the windows in your home had the built-in capability of darkening on bright sunny days, keeping your air conditioning from constantly running?

A Stanford University research team has created a new type of smart window that blocks light by using electrodeposition to shoot an electrical current through conductive glass containing metal ions.电沉积,,,,or electroplating, is a process that uses an electric current to coat a material with a thin layer of metal.

莱斯的窗口从透明变为黑暗s than a minute.

自着窗户并不是什么新鲜事物 - 实际上,我们最近报道了电致色素窗回到五月。但是,根据一个过程,这一过程对现有技术是一个重大改进斯坦福新闻文章

Current smart windows change color when charged with electricity.迈克尔·麦吉(Michael McGehee)斯坦福大学的材料科学与工程学教授兼首席研究员说,氧化钨是一种典型的金属,用于商业智能窗户,倾向于使窗户具有蓝色的色调,并且更昂贵。商业窗户到昏暗的窗户也至少需要20分钟,并且随着时间的流逝,它们变得不透明。

“We’re excited because dynamic window technology has the potential to optimize the lighting in rooms or vehicles and save about 20% in heating and cooling costs,” McGehee says in the article.

The team’spaperdescribes a process of a “reversible electrodeposition of Cu and a second metal on transparent indium tin oxide electrodes modified by Pt nanoparticles.” Copper solution is spread over an indium tin oxide sheet that has been modified with platinum nanoparticles. When the window is completely clear, 80% of light can pass through—when it’s darkened, less than 5% of light is able to get through.


The research team tested the windows by switching them on and off more than 5,000 times, with no degradation in the light transmission. They’ve already filed a patent for their research.


“We are optimistic that the windows can be stable because metals are not damaged by high temperature or sunlight. We hope that the polymer electrolyte can be engineered to be sufficiently stable.”

该论文发表在焦耳,是 ”具有中性色,高对比度和出色的耐用性的动态窗户使用可逆金属电沉积”(doi:10.1016/j.joule.2017.06.001)。

Watch the video below to see how quickly the smart glass changes.

信用:Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy; YouTube
