0119ctt EMA check in lores

[Image above] Attendees check-in at Electronic Materials and Applications 2017 with ACerS staffers Marilyn Stoltz and Greg Geiger. Credit: ACerS

问候Electronic Materials and Applications 2017 conference!

The meeting, jointly organized byACerS Basic Science Division电子产品Division, welcomed a record 391 attendees to Orlando, Florida, for the eighth edition of this conference.

Plenary speakers lived up to EMA standards for excellence—good solid science told in the context of the “big picture” of applications.

Sossina Haile来自西北大学(伊利诺伊州埃文斯顿)的来自西北大学(Evanston),使用热解产生氢气,这是实施氢经济的明显重要组成部分。

Neil Alfordfrom Imperial College London in the United Kingdom talked about his work on masers—microwave amplification by stimulation emission of radiation. According to Alford, “Economic growth is dependent on microwave communications,” and these complex materials systems will be needed to advance communications technologies.


Student participation here has been especially strong, with several professors bringing their groups with them. In addition, ACerS and ECerS partnered again this year to hold the second冬季研讨会.

冬季研讨会’s 24 attendees will stay after the conference for a day-long program tailored to career development and a tour of Kennedy Space Center. In addition, the Basic Science Division continued its tradition of orienting students with a tutorial, this year on the topic of ceramic microstructure evolution.

享受会议中的这些图像,并确保阅读ACerS Bulletin下个月从佛罗里达州提供更多!

For most, EMA begins with a close inspection of the symposia sessions and talks. Credit: ACerS

Sossina Hailegave Wednesday’s plenary lecture on her research using thermolysis to produce hydrogen for alternative energy. Haile is professor at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. Credit: ACerS

周四的全体发言人伦敦帝国学院的尼尔·奥尔福德(Neil Alford)谈到了对Masers的研究(通过刺激放射的微波放大)。该领域的进步将导致微波通信的进步。信用:宏cers

Students and researchers presented their work informally at the poster session Wednesday night. Student posters were judged, and awards for the best three were presented at the conference dinner Thursday. Credit: ACerS

Eva Smith of Cornell University (Ithaca, N.Y.) gives her talk at the lunchtime student presentation session. Credit: ACerS

Who says a poster has to be made of paper? Organizers invited several attendees to try out an “interactive poster” concept with slides, video, and visual aids. Credit: ACerS

A poolside reception for young professionals and students gave the field’s rising researchers a chance to network and make friends. Credit: ACerS
