These beautiful ceramic roasters by artist罗比·罗贝尔(Robbie Lobell)continue an ancient tradition of using pottery for cooking. Lobell intends for her roasters to be used, “I make my flameware pots to encourage the ideas of using handmade objects to prepare and present locally grown vegetables, fruits and meats from our gardens, barnyards and nearby farms.” Her fellow potters from 20,000 years ago may have had similar motivations, but changed the course of human history, too. Credit: Robbie Lobell.

Our nation’s annual Independence Day holiday is next Wednesday, and perhaps, like me, you are thinking about holiday get-togethers and what to bring to the neighborhood potluck. Once that is decided, the next question is what container to use.


A newin科学关于在中国江西省江西省发现的古老陶器的发现,可以追溯到约20,000至19,000年。这比东亚和其他地区的其他陶器碎片早2,000至3,000年。



Pottery making—the manufacture of fired, ceramic container forms—differs considerably from the baked clay figurines or small objects known from the Upper Paleolithic period in its technological demands and in its significance both in subsistence activities, including food storage, processing, and cooking, and in social interactions.

Previously, it had been thought that pottery was an innovation of the agrarian lifestyle, but the authors dispel that notion.


The exact function of this ancient pottery is unknown, but the authors speculate that it may have been used to extract marrow and grease, or in ways that later hunter-gatherer societies used pottery, for example, for food preparation and storage and alcohol brewing.



在BBC新闻中article, Hebrew University professor, Gideon Shelach, suggests there may have been a social driver, too. “People were gathering together in larger groups and you needed social activities to mitigate against increased tensions,” he said in the article, and “Maybe those potteries were used to brew alcohol.”

Something to think about as you bake your macaroni and cheese casserole and pick up a carton of Sam Adams on your way to the picnic this week.

The paper is “Early Pottery at 20,000 Years Ago in Xianrendong Cave, China,” Wu, et al.,科学(doi:10.1126/science.1218643)
