
[图像上图]研究人员表明,钛是替代占用钙钛矿薄膜太阳能电池的有毒铅的吸引人选择。信用:PADTURE LAB;Brown University

Recent advances in solar technology have led to the use of钙钛矿—a lower-cost alternative in the development of photovoltaics. Researchers like them because of their superconductivity and light-absorbing properties,除其他优势

We’ve写了很多about perovskites in solar research over the past couple of years. And scientific research has evolved from traditional silicon-based solar cells to薄膜技术


But now there might be “greener” solar cell technology on the horizon. Researchers from Brown University and University of Nebraska–Lincoln have created a material that replaces lead with titanium that could be used in inorganic perovskite solar cells.

“钛是一种丰富,坚固且生物相容性的元素,到目前为止,在钙钛矿研究中,它在很大程度上被忽略了,”尼丁垫—Otis E. Randall University Professor in Brown’s School of Engineering, director of theInstitute for Molecular and Nanoscale Innovation,,,,and ACerS Fellow—explains in a布朗大学新闻稿。“我们表明,可以使用基于钛的材料制作薄膜钙钛矿,并且该材料具有可调节的太阳能应用的有利特性。”

Padture and his team are building onprevious researchwhere they discovered desirable properties of titanium-based halide perovskites, such as higher带盖,,,,higher stability, and virtually no defects. They determined that perovskites with cesium, titanium, and some halogens were good possibilities for solar cells.

“下一步是使用该材料实际制作一个太阳能电池并测试其属性,这就是我们在这里所做的,” Padture补充说在版本中

其他研究人员使用了无铅的钙壶探索替代材料,例如锡,,,,but tin “rusts easily when exposed to the environment” according to the release. Titanium is a superior metal not only for its rust resistance, but also because its open-circuit voltage of at least 1 V is higher than its lead-free counterparts (0.6 V).

“Open-circuit voltage is a key property that we can use to evaluate the potential of a solar cell material,” Padture adds. “So, having such a high value at the outset is very promising.”

Padture’s team used high-temperature evaporation in developing their thin films, but they continue to search for other lower-cost methods that will use less energy during solar cell production. “We are also looking for new low-temperature and solvent-based methods to reduce the potential cost of cell fabrication,” materials science student and team member Min Chen explains in the release.


The team’s work is encouraging for tandem solar cells where the titanium perovskite cell sits on top of the silicon layer to improve overall efficiency. “We’re not looking to replace existing silicon technology just yet, but instead we’re looking to boost it,” Padture says. “So if you can make a lead-free tandem cell that’s stable, then that’s a winner.”

Semitransparent cesium titanium bromide thin film developed by Padture’s team. Credit: Padture Lab; Brown University

他补充说,尽管他们继续探索钛基材料,但他们还正在研究其他混合溴化碘化物组成。而且,尽管钛仍然比铅贵,但从长远来看,这对环境更有益。“在灾难(火灾,洪水)中,廉价但有毒物质(如铅)等廉价但有毒物质(如铅)等廉价但有毒材料的成本可能很大 - 包括额外的成本,环境清理,诉讼,诉讼,诉讼和医疗保健, ETC。”

该论文发表在焦耳,是 ”Cesium titanium(IV) bromide thin films based stable lead-free perovskite solar cells”(doi:10.1016/j.joule.2018.01.009)。

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