

George Y. Onoda, Jr. 1938–2014

作为一名本科生,刚刚发现1970年代中期的陶瓷工程领域,我回想起一本谦虚的棕色书,上面写着金色字母,“陶瓷加工前进行了射击”。不过,它从来没有被称为。对于本书的编辑乔治·Y. Onoda(J.

The book is actually a proceedings from an eponymous conference held at the University of Florida in 1975. Instead of simply compiling the conference papers into a volume for quick publication, they took the time to edit the papers and organize them such that the volume could serve as a textbook for ceramic engineering students. In the book’s preface, they reveal that they were less interested in ceramic工程对陶瓷更感兴趣工程师。他们写道:“这本书不是关于如何处理陶瓷的描述性论述。其他书籍可用于此目的。我们以相当详细的方式专注于处理原则,目的是更好地理解科学处理。”[重点添加] Onoda和Hench的“ Untextbook”成为了陶瓷工程课程的中流,并且许多书架上仍然有很多人。这本书于1978年出版,仍然是印刷- 一个证词Onoda和Hench的愿景。

Sadly,Onoda于2014年1月1日去世at the age of 75. His industrial career included ten years as manager of ceramic science at IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, N.Y., and research positions at IIT Research Center in Chicago and North American Aviation in California. However, the passion to teach was never far away. He was on the faculty of the University of Florida, Gainesville and joined Alfred University where he taught ceramic engineering from 1993–2002. He was also the technical director of the New York State Center for Advanced Ceramic Technology at Alfred University from 1993 to 1996.



A Tribute to Dr. George Onoda

乔治·奥纳达(George Onoda)是那些罕见的人之一,他们的生活感动了许多人的生活,每个人都从这种触摸中受益并增长。




拉里·赫奇(Larry Hench)
