0.2-08 curved glass curtain wall

[上面的图像]在西雅图塔科马国际机场的弯曲玻璃幕墙的例子。信用:Michael Hanscom那Flickr.(CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)


2019年4月15日,火灾爆发了beneath the roof of Notre-Dame. By the time the fire was extinguished, the cathedral’s spire had collapsed, most of its roof was destroyed, and its upper walls were severely damaged.


作为绽放articleexplains, these plans haven’t been without controversy. While the proposed plans would largely restore Notre-Dame as it was before the 2019 fire, there are some proposed changes to improve visitor experience, such as a different entrance for the public. These changes are being criticized by those who view them as threatening the integrity of the medieval structure.

然而,这一论点并非没有讽刺,彭博文章说明。“Notre Dame的预防外观本身就是另一个时代更具突兀的文化干预的产品。As a ‘palimpsest’ that has been shaped and reshaped across the centuries, the church’s appearance changed drastically in the 19th century, when architect-restorer Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc repaired and renewed it with a decidedly Victorian take on France’s Gothic past. … The changes, wrote British writer and art critic John Ruskin, were ‘a lie from beginning to end’ reflecting not a repair of the original but ‘the most complete destruction that an edifice can suffer.’”

Seeing these discussions surrounding Notre-Dame’s reconstruction provides an appreciation for how architecture is about much more than just utility—建筑也反映了文化的价值观

幕墙是越来越受欢迎的设计元素的示例,主要用于审美而不是结构目的。这些非承载框架trace their origins to the beginning of the 19century当架构师开始过渡到远离外墙以支撑屋顶时,而是依靠坚固的色谱柱,具有更大的承载能力来提供结构支撑。这种转变打开了用轻质透明的“窗帘”墙更换砌体外墙,不再具有承载作用,但仍然提供免受雨侵入和热量损失的保护。

The thin aluminum frame of a curtain wall can be filled with various materials, but glass is one of the most popular choices. Curtain wall glass is often manufactured using cold bending, which involves attaching planar glass sheets to the curved aluminum frame so that it deforms within an allowable range of stress to achieve a curved effect.


The researchers come from Northeastern University and Avic Xi’an Aircraft Industry Group Co., Ltd. in China. In their study, they look to develop an analysis model to determine the cold-bending stress on a glass surface.


基于以下结果,研究人员基于有限元分析开发了自己的方法。他们将模型预测与实验结果进行了比较,并且还使用蒙特卡罗和自适应Kriging-Monte Carlo模拟进行可靠性和敏感性分析。

Based on comparison of the simulated and experimental results of the stress and displacement of each measuring point of the curtain wall glass, the researchers concluded that their finite element method “is realistic and can be used to formulate the limit state function for the cold-bending reliability and sensitivity analysis of curtain wall glass.”

此外,Adaptive Kriging-Monte Carlo模拟显示了高计算效率和快速收敛速度,并符合可靠性分析的准确性要求。“因此,[Kriging-Monte Carlo仿真]特别适用于冷弯幕墙玻璃的可靠性和灵敏度分析,”他们写入。

研究人员写道,未来的研究应该consider the influence of support flexibility and support conditions on the reliability of cold-bent curtain wall glass. “In addition, it is recommended that future studies further develop experiments and [finite element analysis] to make the cold bending stress of glass reach the tensile bending strength of glass, so as to further evaluate the buckling performance of glass,” they write.

The paper, published in建筑工程学报那is “Reliability and sensitivity analysis of cold-bent curtain wall glass” (DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2022.104116).
