11-17 Ironclad-Beetle

[Image above] The diabolical ironclad beetle is tough—in addition to the ability to play dead and a rough exoskeleton that resembles a rock, this little beetle is hiding some interesting secrets within its exoskeleton that could help design more robust fasteners. Credit:耶稣里维拉;加州大学欧文


That’s a lot of beetles. Upwards of 350,000 known species, in fact, exist in nearly all habitats (save marine and polar regions), and they adapted to subsist off of a vast array of different diets.


虽然所有甲虫在生存方面似乎有点顽固,但有一个特定的甲虫物种,脱颖而出,突出了对完全不同的水平的韧性 - 恶魔般的Ironclad甲虫,Phloeodes diabolicus.

The diabolical ironclad beetle not only plays dead and has a rough textured exoskeleton that blends in with surrounding rocks, but its survival mechanisms also include an exoskeleton that is legendary for being tough. Entomologists know that the beetle’s exoskeleton is so tough that it can bend the steel pins used to mount specimens of insects for display. And the insect can even get up and walk away unharmed after being run over by an automobile—see for yourself below.

信用:从大自然学习, YouTube

但是是什么让这个小甲虫如此恶心?A new studyreveals some of the secrets the beetle stores in its tough exoskeleton, secrets that could develop biomimetic materials and structures to join dissimilar materials in more robust ways.

该团队 - 来自加州大学的国际科学家河畔,加州大学,普瑞丁大学,东京农业和技术大学德克萨斯大学,德克萨斯大学,劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室使用先进的显微镜和光谱,透露a mixture of macrostructure and microstructure elements combine to make the diabolical ironclad beetle’s exoskeleton incredibly strong.


The team specifically focused on a part of the insect’s exoskeleton called the elytra, which are two hard, protective blades that armor a beetle’s back to protect a set of more delicate wings used for flying. Elytra act like a protective outer door, opening to allow a beetle’s wings to extend in flight and then closing to protect the delicate structures when not in use. (To be clear, the diabolical ironclad beetle has lost the ability to fly, but it maintains a set of protective elytra.)

Beyond the material composition of the insect’s exoskeleton, the study also shows that macrostructural elements of the elytra also contribute to the beetle’s toughness—namely, a series of lateral support structures along the perimeter of the insect’s body, and a robust suture that holds the two elytra together.






This strategy of varying stiffness increases the exoskeleton’s toughness by not simply allowing it to withstand pressure—it also strategically deflects energy away from critical areas, like where the internal organs are located, to other areas of the exoskeleton that can better dissipate energy without catastrophic failure to the beetle.



“当你打破一个拼图的时候,你希望它在脖子上分开,最薄的部分,”高级作者David Kisailus.在A中说UCI新闻稿。“但我们没有看到这种巨大的悲伤分裂了这种甲虫。相反,它分层,提供了更加优雅的结构失败。“


The information from the mechanical tests extends beyond just expanding our knowledge of nature. It can help develop biomimetic strategies that translate into tougher materials design as well as engineering of robust structures. For instance, the scientists note that such information could be used to design more robust strategies to join different materials, which remains an engineering challenge in aerospace applications and beyond.

“These designs could be useful in joining other dissimilar engineering materials such as plastics and metals. Such materials are currently joined by mechanical fastening, which adds weight and introduces stress concentrators that degrade the strength and can lead to fatigue issues, corrosion and early failure,” the authors write in the paper.

They also note that tuning material parameters could further enhance these structures, providing exciting possibilities for robust new strategies to engineer structures as tough as diabolical beetles.

本文发表在Nature, 是 ”Toughening mechanisms of the elytra of the diabolical ironclad beetle“(DOI:10.1038 / S41586-020-2813-8)。
