
[上述图像]虽然人体组织的玻璃化可能听起来不寻常,但实际上是生育治疗的良好实践 - 特别是卵子冻结。信用:RMA of New York, YouTube

Some of my international friends poke fun at me for the plethora of random national “holidays” celebrated in the United States, including Opposite Day (January 25), National Donut Day (June 5), and National Middle Child Day (August 12).


And today in particular is a good example of that. July 22 is World Brain Day, a more recent national holiday that was established in 2014 by the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) to increase public awareness and promote advocacy related to brain health. Each year, WFN partners with different societies to spotlight specific brain-related topics. And this year, WFN partnered with the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society提高对帕金森病的意识

You may wonder why I mention such a bio-focused holiday on结论。The reason World Brain Day caught my eye is because of a学习published earlier this year on remains found at Mount Vesuvius.

Vesuvius Mount Vesuvius是意大利那不勒斯湾附近的火山。火山最着名,最着名的爆发,它在火山灰的厚厚地毯下埋藏了古罗马城市庞贝城,并损害了庞贝城和赫科纳姆(另一个附近城市)的估计有2000人。

该网站仍然没有触及到1748年,when a group of explorers looking for ancient artifacts arrived in the area并且发现灰烬曾为城市的几乎所有内容作用为一个伟大的防腐剂,包括建筑物,家庭用品和不幸受害者的骷髅。

Studies of the remains have revealed many things that took place during the eruption, for example,that many victims likely died of heat rather than suffocation due to ash fall。这个1月,一个学习发表在这件事中新英格兰医学杂志发现热量如此强烈,它提供了理想的环境将一些人的软组织变成玻璃状物质!

Specifically, the study found evidence that一个男人的大脑接受了玻璃化, i.e., the process by which a material turns into a glass or glasslike substance by rapidly cooling in the absence of ice crystal formation. In this case, the burst of broiling heat from the explosion, followed by rapid cooling of the body, transformed the man’s brain tissue into a glassy material.


信用:Because Science, YouTube

Though turning human tissue into a glasslike substance may sound wild, vitrification is actually a well-established practice in fertility treatment—specifically egg freezing.

The practice of freezing eggs for fertilization and implantation at a later date has been around for decades. However, traditional freezing methods often damaged or destroyed the eggs. Eggs have high water content, and traditional methods cooled the eggs slowly, causing water to crystallize and damage the cell structure.


Learn more about the process of egg freezing through vitrification in the video below.

信用:RMA of New York, YouTube
