02-16 electric vehicle charging


去年2月,我们看着a study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers on what infrastructure would be needed to enable an electric vehicle ecosystem. Charging stations were one of the most important aspects identified.

“Expanded home, work and public charging infrastructure may address both真实和想象的范围限制by allowing drivers to charge between and during trips,” the MIT researchers wrote in the paper.

They noted that policymakers at the federal level have a role to play in expanding charging infrastructure, for example by providing incentives to encourage private sector competition in this area. Based on a recentannouncementby the United States Departments of Transportation and Energy, it appears the feds are beginning to fulfill their role.

2021年11月15日,拜登总统签署了基础设施投资和工作法into law. Among its many initiatives, this bipartisan law established the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program, which aims “to provide funding to States to strategically deploy electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and to establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability,” according to a Department of Transportationfact sheet.

Last Thursday, Feb. 10, the U.S. Departments of Transportation and Energyannouncedthey will begin making available the nearly $5 billion included in the infrastructure law for the NEVI Formula Program. The funding, which will be distributed over the next five years, will be used to create a network of EV charging stations along designatedAlternative Fuel Corridors, which are a national network for alternative fueling and electric vehicle charging infrastructure along national highway system corridors.

“美国人需要知道他们可以购买电动汽车并在使用州际公路和其他主要高速公路时找到方便的充电站,”在交通部副联邦高速公路管理员斯蒂芬里·普拉克press release. “The new EV formula program will provide states with the resources they need to provide their residents with reliable access to an EV charging station as they travel.”


The Department of Transportation also released a新的免费资源to help rural communities take full advantage of the funds.

Webinar: Introduction to the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation

U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm and U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg签署了谅解备忘录2021年12月建立联合能源和运输办公室。了解有关新办公室的更多信息during a webinar2月24日,下午2-3点东。



Credit:Gautham Ram, YouTube

There will be $615 million available to states in fiscal year 2022. A state-by-state guide for NEVI funding until 2026 is availableat this link.

Market analysts note that this funding is only a small first step toward reaching the Biden Administration’s goal of 500,000 public EV chargers by 2030 (the U.S. currently has just over 100,000).

As a Gristarticle解释说,“根据国际清洁交通委员会,它之间的成本$30,000 and $140,000安装单个直流快速充电器。这意味着分配的现金可以支付全国各地的36,000至166,000次快速充电器 - 尽管如果国家和私营公司也有更多的贡献他们自己的资金。“

但是,美国交通部长Pete Buttigieg相信即使没有政府支持,EV充电也会越来越成本效益。“与煤气或柴油相比,电气的燃料节省继续忍受,”他在Grist文章中说。“我们刚才尚未见过市场成熟。”
