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For almost everyone around the world, the past two years were a blur, and I view this coming New Year’s celebrations as a bookend to both 2020 and 2021. It also marks the start of a big year for the Society—celebrating the United NationsInternational Year of Glass 2022!

自1959年以来,联合国大会已将特定年份指定为联合国国际年to acknowledge fields of international endeavor and the importance of their contributions to global society. On May 18, 2021, the United Nations General Assembly正式批准了决议declaring 2022 as the International Year of Glass to celebrate the heritage and importance of this material in our lives.

IYOG 2022已获得来自广泛实体的认可。学分:IYOG(统计),Acers(设计)

“We know glass is ‘humankind’s most important material’ and are grateful that that this is the first time that the United Nations has accorded such a recognition to a specific material. It represents an acknowledgment on the part of the international community of the vital role glass has played and will continue to play in the advancement of human society,” Manoj Choudhary, adjunct professor of materials science and engineering at the Ohio State University, said during his presentation at the82ndConference on Glass Problems2021年11月。


An inaugural conference for IYoG is planned to take place in Geneva, Switzerland, in February 2022. Beyond that, groups globally are或者ganizing events庆祝Iyog。

In North American, a steering committee was established to coordinate IYoG activities in the U.S. and Canada. The ACerS website hosts a landing page for the committee at//www.eurusdlive.com/iyog,可以查看在美国和加拿大计划的所有活动。(有一个活动要添加?填写表格at this link

The国庆玻璃日is one of the biggest events taking place near the start of the year. This event, which takes place April 5–7 in Washington, D.C., will feature technical programming and talks from some of the largest companies and biggest minds in the North American glass industry, art community, government agencies, and educational systems who rely on glass.

Registration for the National Day of Glass is expected to open in early 2022, and there are several opportunities for sponsorship of the event availableat this link。Choudhary and Kathleen Richardson, two people instrumental in organizing the National Day of Glass, will appear as guests on the February episode ofCeramic Tech Chatto talk more about the event and other IYOG activities.

As part of the IYoG celebrations, ACerS is presenting the series “玻璃:然后现在”强调了Acers期刊文章在推进玻璃科学和技术方面起着至关重要的作用,以及最近发表的文章,这些文章正在为该领域设定未来的方向。

Jincheng Du和John Mauro(编辑,Journal of the American Ceramic Society), Mario Affatigato (editor-in-chief,International Journal of Applied Glass Science)和比尔·华氏(Bill Wahrenholtz)(总编辑,Journal of the American Ceramic Society) compiled the articles for “Glass: Then and Now.” ACerS members can access the articles free at any time, and ACerS and Wiley will make some of these articles free-to-read each month to highlight different areas of glass science. View the seriesat this link

TheACerS Bulletinwill feature a special column in each issue as well on the importance of glass in our lives. Check out thefirst column这出现在2022年1月/2月。

了解有关计划在国际玻璃上计划的活动的更多信息Acers的IYOG网页。还subscribe to theCeramic Tech Today通讯保持最新的IYOG新闻!
