07-28 colored cement

[Image above] Photographs and SEM images of color pigment admixtures used in a recent study of colored concrete: red (a, d), blue (b, e), and green (c, f). Credit:Heerah et al.,建筑材料中的案例研究(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

For anyone who visits Columbus, Ohio, the莱夫塔is an immediate eye-catcher as one of the tallest and historically rich buildings in the city. Yet as much as LeVeque is celebrated for itsArt Deco-style architecture, another building featuring historically rich architecture is often derided instead—theOhio History Center.


When the Center originally opened in 1970, architects lauded the structure as bold and imaginative. Nowadays, many people view the structure as an ugly, giant brown box.

The Ohio History Center in Columbus, Ohio, is a great example of Brutalist architecture. Credit:Sebastian Wallroth, Wikimedia (CC BY 4.0)


Concrete can becolored in a variety of ways, including through staining, dyeing, and整体颜色,这是将颜料混合到水泥中的时​​候。积分颜色是最受欢迎的新放置混凝土的最受欢迎的方法之一,下面的视频解释了使用积分颜色的一些注意事项。

信用:混凝土网络, YouTube

Manyintegral pigments由金属氧化物(例如铁氧化物)制成。然后achieving the desired color with integral pigments是制造商的主要关注点,考虑颜料也可能影响水泥的其他特性,也很重要 - 就像最近的一个open-access study做过。

The researchers come from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (China) and Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (Morocco). They wanted to explore how pigment may affect the physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of cement. To do so, they characterized several cementitious mixes produced with three different color pigments (red iron oxide, blue cobaltous aluminate oxide, and green chromium oxide) and two types of cement (Portland cement and Portland-slag with fly ash blended cement).

They found that while the blue and red pigments did not significantly affect the concrete’s water absorption and porosity, samples containing the green chromium oxide pigment showed a drastic increase in these properties with rising pigment content, independently of the cement used.

吸水和孔隙率的不同水泥混合物。含有绿色氧化铬色素的样品显着影响了所使用的水泥。信用:Heerah et al.,建筑材料中的案例研究(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)


Flexural and compressive strength results for the different cementitious mixes. Samples containing the green chromium oxide pigment significantly affected the strength, independently of the cement used. Credit:Heerah et al.,建筑材料中的案例研究(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

In a Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool Universitypress release,研究人员解释说,用于生产氧化铬的化学方法是这些发现的原因。


“However, other studies have found that there is no adverse effect when using green pigment consisting solely of chromium (III) oxide, with no muscovite,” says lead author Mehreen Z. Heerah, a graduate of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s Department of Civil Engineering.


The open-access paper, published in建筑材料中的案例研究, 是 ”Characterisation and control of cementitious mixes with colour pigment admixtures” (DOI: 10.1016/j.cscm.2021.e00571).
