12-03 weeping ceramics

[Image above] Screenshot from a video showing the disintegration of a ceramic as it attempts to undergo a tetragonal-to-monoclinic phase transformation. Credit:Gu et al.自然(cc boy 4.0)


形状记忆材料是可以在外部刺激的影响下恢复其初始形状的材料,例如温度,光,水分,酸度或电力。某些金属合金是确定的第一材料to exhibit the shape memory effect, and researchers have identified a variety of形状记忆聚合物和聚合物复合材料that exhibit the effect as well.

形状记忆效应基于暴露于外部刺激时经历相变的材料。在形状记忆聚合物的情况下,由于聚合物网络的固有弹性,可以通过各种物理装置实现硬相与软相之间的变化。对于形状记忆合金,效果源于具有两个稳定晶体结构的材料:高温有利的奥氏体相和低温 - 优质(和“屈服”)马氏体相。

(Learn more about the phase change process inthis article。)



与合金一样,陶瓷由晶体结构组成,具有不同的稳定固相。合金和陶瓷之间的这种相似性,特别是zirconia-based ceramics那has led to some success in developing shape memory ceramics by applying the same general strategies used for alloys. For example, afew最近的studies通过提高几何相容性改善各种氧化物系统的相变。

Based on these previous successes, an international team of researchers led by the University of Minnesota Twin Cities and Kiel University in Germany recently conducted a systematic search to identify more ceramics that exhibit reversible phase transformations and shape memory behavior based on improving geometric compatibility. However, as they explain in a新文章published in自然,他们偶然发现了一个看似矛盾的服务le instead.

对于他们的学习,研究人员看着陶瓷系统(Zr / HF)o2(YNb)O4.。该系统显示了与批量Zro相同的相变2—a first-order monoclinic-to-tetragonal phase transformation at 1,170°C and a tetragonal-to-cubic transformation at 2,370°C. (Only the first transformation is relevant to this study.)


A sample with a high zirconium/hafnium ratio that exhibits weeping (that is, steady falling apart at the grain boundaries) on cooling to the transformation temperature. Credit:Jascha Rohmer那Kiel University
具有高锆/铪比的样品,在冷却到转化温度时表现出爆炸性行为。信用:Jascha Rohmer那Kiel University

What mechanism could have caused this unexpected result? The researchers suggest the behavior is due to the (Zr/Hf)O2(YNb)O4.具有多个晶格对应关系的系统,即原子在转换期间的多种可能性。


The researchers then tried modifying the structure based on an equidistance condition, which takes into account multiple correspondences. This time, the ceramic did demonstrate a reversible transformation.

“While these behaviours seem at first to contradict accepted principles, in fact they serve to widen the set of theory-driven tools applicable in the search for reversible transformations in ceramics,” the researchers write. “Our work also highlights the subtle interplay of multiple transformation correspondences.”

The researchers conclude that their work highlights the need for a general theory of compatibility that includes both phase boundaries and grain boundaries, and a full-atomic-resolution experimental study of grain boundaries in transforming ceramics.

The paper, published in自然那is “Exploding and weeping ceramics” (DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03975-5).
