07-26 GFMAT-BIO Image01

[Image above] Credit: ACerS


来自31个国家 /地区的360多人,包括50名学生,前往多伦多参加GFMAT-2和BIO-4。今年是两个会议首次共同举行。

联合会议于周日晚上开幕,受到欢迎的招待会,并在周一早晨认真开始,全球五名杰出科学家给予了全体会议 -Serena Best(University of Cambridge, U.K.),Mrityunjay Singh(Ohio Aerospace Institute, U.S.),Xingdong Zhang(Sichuan University, China),克劳德·德尔马斯(Claude Delmas)(波尔多浓缩化学研究所,法国)和罗伯特·鲍里亚尔(Robert Pilliar)(加拿大多伦多大学)。每个全体会议之后,会议组织主席tatsuki ohji向演讲者展示了纪念陶瓷板。

tatsuki ohji,,,,left, presents the first plenary speaker Serena Best with a commemorative ceramic plate. Credit: ACerS

周二,举行了一次研讨会Delbert E. Day,,,,a luminary in the field of glass for healthcare applications. The symposium provided researchers a forum in which to discuss work similar and related to research conducted by Day, and to talk about how their personal relationships with Day have influenced them far beyond just research.

“Things I learned from Delbert Day—it had very little to do with glass,”史蒂文·荣格(Steven Jung),Day的前学生和现在的Mo-SCI首席技术官在演讲中说。他说,影响他最大的是学习书面和口语的重要性,并与专业社会和当地社区有关。信用:宏cers
“欢迎的德尔伯特在那次会议上给了我,这让我很高兴能成为社会的一部分。”Julian Jones,伦敦帝国学院的教授描述了他在2008年国际会议和高级陶瓷和复合材料博览会(ICACC)举行的第一次见面日。信用:宏cers

In addition to the plenaries and Day symposium, numerous technical sessions provided looks into a wide array of topics, including eco-materials, innovative processing, and energy storage on the GFMAT side, and biomaterials for medical devices and dentistry on the Bio side.

周二晚上,大约50人在poster session, hosted by the Global Graduate Researcher Network. During the Thursday night conference dinner, three students were awarded the Student Poster Awards sponsored by Mo-Sci: Andrey Tikhonov (Lomonosov Moscow State University), Natsuki Okajima (National Institute of Technology, Toyama College), and Ilknur Eryilmaz (Institut national de la recherche scientifique INRS).

Delbert Day, left, and his son, Ted Day, at the symposium in honor of Day. Credit: ACerS
关于50people presented posters during the poster session on Tuesday night. Credit: ACerS
ACerS staff help people check in during GFMAT-2/Bio-4. Credit: ACerS
周一晚上,艾克斯总裁西尔维亚·约翰逊(Sylvia Johnson)在新的会员接待处欢迎新会员。信用:宏cers

