EMA 2021海盐王全体会议

[上面的形象]周三全体扬声器海燕王从普渡大学(右)回答她的演讲后观众的问题。从德国达姆施塔特达姆施特达马尔斯特达姆施特(左)组织联合椅Wolfgang Rheinheimer,(左)主持会议。信用:宏碁

一年前,很难相信世界卫生组织宣布Covid-19爆发了全球健康紧急情况,他们在3月份升级到“大流行”状态的警告。从那时起,日常生活转变为在线持续举行,是work学校, 要么personal gatherings

Science conferences also largely transformed into virtual events, and ACerS successfully hosted three virtual meetings in 2020, plus supported the management of two others. With the疫苗的卷积卷now taking place, hopes are high that some in-person meetings could take place near the end of the year. Until then, ACerS will continue to hold meetings virtually for the safety of attendees—just as ACerS did last week for the 12年度的Electronic Materials and Applications Conference

宏碁Electronics Division基础科学部通常在佛罗里达州奥兰多举办EMA会议。虽然今年的虚拟格式不幸的是,不允许快速前往迪士尼世界,但会议的出勤率仍然具有创纪录的441个注册,其中包括来自29个国家的167名学生接近400个演示文稿。

“We are very happy that the virtual EMA2021 last week was well received. We are delighted to see the record participation and active engagements of the attendees at the live Q&A, special events, and networking events during the virtual meeting, and we look forward to meeting everyone again in person next year at Orlando,” says Claire Xiong, Electronics Division co-chair and associate professor of materials science and engineering at Boise State University.

Below are some highlights from virtual EMA 2021.



Despina Louca从弗吉尼亚大学开始就氧化氧化物和半态度的全体讨论开幕会议,特别强调磁阻系统。


在不同的磁现象中,磁阻是材料在外部施加的磁场中改变其电阻的值的趋势。此属性很有用sensors in automotive, medical, and industrial applications那和Louca discussed her group’s work investigating the phenomenon in perovskite oxides, topological semimetals, and semiconductors.

海燕王from Purdue University discussed a different material phenomenon during her plenary talk on Wednesday—field-induced mass transport in flash-sintered, high-temperature ceramics.

Flash sintering is an emerging method for processing ceramics that allows sintering to happen at lower temperatures in only a few seconds. However, the underlying mechanisms of flash sintering and the mechanical behaviors of flash-sintered ceramics remain poorly understood.



众多学生活动在EMA 2021期间发生,从周二晚上开始。由于虚拟格式,学生上传了自己的录制介绍了他们的海报。周四晚上,在特殊奖励会议期间宣布海报和口头竞争的获奖者,其录音如下。

海报和口头竞争中的第一名,分别前往Seongwoo Cho(韩国先进的科学与工程学院),分别为其对铁电域(CHO)高速可视化的演示以及多功能评估的展示李的表现4.TI.5.O.12.-ni阳极复合材料(Huddleston)。

信用:m6米乐网官网, YouTube


The last event of the conference was the ever-popular Failure Symposium on Friday night, where scientists share their experiences with failure on their road to success. However, instead of the usual presentations, this year the Failure Symposium was conducted in the format of a pub quiz, where attendees were split into teams and quizzed on famous historical material failures and previous Failure Symposiums.

Colorado School of Mines associate professor Geoff Brennecka explains the rules of this year’s Failure Symposium pub quiz format. Credit: ACerS

EMA 2021的录音将于2021年3月31日提供。如果您没有参加现场活动,您仍然可以注册在这里to view the nearly 400 presentations!

计划在明年加入我们EMA 2022在佛罗里达州奥兰多,2002年1月18日至21日。我们期待再次见到每个人!
