
[图片上图]信用:Dhyamis Kleber,,,,



The American Ceramic Society is excited to announce a new online community exclusively for ACerS members—m6app下载


  • 在会议之间与其他成员沟通
  • 搜索成员数据库以查找同事
  • 会议结束后与新朋友一起跟进
  • 将电子邮件发送到您的联系人 - 没有更多搜索收件箱中的丢失电子邮件!
  • 创建民意调查,提出问题或分享更新
  • Bookmark conversations for quick reference later
  • Share documents with other members
  • 以及更多!



  • 查看欢迎指南在这里
  • 查看社区指南在这里
  • 登录您的会员帐户米乐体育APP信得过吗
  • 通过选择会员社区主菜单中的链接
  • Once you’re in the community, click your name (top right) and go to your profile. Upload a head shot of yourself. It will make it easier for others to recognize you!
  • 添加您的职务和简短的简历,包括研究领域以及您希望别人了解您的其他任何知识
  • 开始探索!开始讨论,提出问题或为社区分享一些价值
Find Member Communities at the top of (circled in red). Credit: ACerS

At this time we are starting off with community groups for the President’s Council of Student Advisors (PCSA), the Young Professionals Network (YPN), and also the following ACerS Divisions: Art, Archaeology & Conservation Science, Electronics, and Engineering Ceramics.

We will be adding community groups for additional ACerS Divisions and member groups as we move forward. In the meantime, if you do not belong to any of the groups noted above you may still participate in the community by creating posts, asking questions, and connecting with your fellow ACerS members. After all, this is YOUR community.

您想在新社区中看到什么?电子邮件Yolanda Natividad,会员参与经理,ATynatividad@www.eurusdlive.com有了您的反馈和问题!
