
Vital Metals unearths ‘ultra-high-grade’ rare earth oxides at Nechalacho

重要的金属在董事总经理杰夫·阿特金斯(Geoff Atkins)声称的“超高级”稀土氧化物中发掘了“世界上任何稀土项目中最高成绩之一”。高级REO在该公司西北地区的Nechalacho项目中的北T资源相交。

Pilkington IGP expands plant in Ostroleka, Poland

Pilkington IGP, an insulated glass manufacturer in Poland, announced its intention to develop further its manufacturing plant in Ostroleka. The planned site extension is expected to double the production efficiency and provide further employment opportunities.


MDU Resources获取预应力混凝土业务

MDU Resources Group, Inc. announced it acquired the assets of Oldcastle Infrastructure Spokane, the Washington-based prestressed-construction business previously owned by Oldcastle Infrastructure. The Spokane operation produces precast and prestressed concrete components for projects throughout Washington, Idaho, and Oregon.


材料组Sibelco通过意大利的博洛尼亚地区的破产拍卖获得了两项玻璃回收活动,即Emiliana Rottami和Emill。Emiliana Rottami是具有有效许可的过时的玻璃回收厂。Emill是玻璃罚款回收厂。两者都是2019年破产的同一小组的一部分。


总部位于意大利的Stevanato Group是制药玻璃初级包装的生产商,宣布与Pfeiffer真空技术达成协议,以为容器关闭系统提供表征测试服务。


AM Solutions,RöslerGroup围绕增材制造的所有活动的品牌名称,HP宣布了一项合同固定的合作协议,涵盖了在3D印刷组件的自动化后处理领域开发新设备解决方案。


Agenda released for HPC4Mfg Industry Engagement Day conference

The Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office and National Laboratories will host a High Performance Computing for Manufacturing Industry Engagement Day conference focused on “Spurring Innovation in U.S. Manufacturing Through Advanced Computing.” The conference will be heldApril 15–16, 2020, in Chicago


Owens-Illinois saw full year net sales drop from $6.9 billion in 2018 to $6.7 billion in 2019. Its CEO, Andres Lopez, said a “significant decline” in its North American beer business was partly to blame.

卡萨布兰卡(Casablanca)索莱尔(Solaire)2020年的Maroc 2020促进太阳能

第九届Solaire Expo Maroc展览定于2月25日至27日在卡萨布兰卡举行。该展览于2012年首次在马拉喀什(Marrakech)推出,旨在收集国际市场,以便更广泛地投资于摩洛哥和非洲。

Glass Futures赢得了710万英镑的英国政府合同,以调查该行业的脱碳

Glass Futures won a £7.1 million contract from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy in the United Kingdom to look at innovative scenarios to decarbonize the glass manufacturing process in line with “Net Zero” targets.


America Makes announced the appointment of 11 additive manufacturing leaders to its new Executive Committee. The committee members, including three government representatives and eight figures from nonprofits, academia, and industry, were brought on board to serve in advisory capacity on strategy, policy, and advocacy for a two-year term.



根据《美国化学学会杂志》上发表的研究Environmental Science & Technology,,,,supplies of cobalt are adequate in short term, but shortages could develop later if refining and recycling are not ramped up or made more efficient.


A recent Freedonia Group report forecasts global demand for electric power transmission and distribution equipment to reach $172 million in 2023. Rapid development of power infrastructure in developing countries will drive an acceleration in global market growth, as electricity consumption continues to rise.

Impacts of coronavirus containment effort ripple through global economy

IHS Markit文章概述了由于最近的冠状病毒爆发,对全球经济的一些影响。这种影响在家庭消费中最为明显,并且在工业部门有所缓解,因为在此期间工厂在季节性闲置。
