Thermal management


By乔纳森工人 / 10月1日,2021年

许多研究人员正致力于揭示亚太地区稳定氧化锆的替代品,以用作环境障碍涂层。高熵氧化物是正在探索的材料类中,以及两篇论文Journal of the American Ceramic Societyexplore different high-entropy oxide systems.

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A concentrated effort—researchers develop ceramic lattice structures for high-temperature heat exchangers

By丽莎麦当劳 / 2021年6月29日

在集中的太阳能系统中,更高的操作温度导致更高的效率 - 如果正确管理热能。热交换器是热管理的一种选择,瑞士和意大利的研究人员探讨了设计用于此类设备的陶瓷晶格结构。

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Strategies for designing stretchable electronics with advanced thermal management

By丽莎麦当劳 / June 18, 2021


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By丽莎麦当劳 / November 24, 2020


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By丽莎麦当劳 / 10月6日,2020年

Common lithographic techniques used to etch patterns onto a surface run into difficulties when cutting 2D materials. Researchers at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne developed a thermal scanning probe lithography method that can cut the smallest reported feature for a direct cutting method to date.

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Addressing the energy harvesting storage gap—ceramic matrix composites contain corrosive materials in thermal energy storage

By乔纳森工人 / October 2, 2020

Thermal energy storage technologies are one way to store energy generated from renewable sources. But producing materials that can contain the high-temperature and corrosive materials integral to this technology is an ongoing area of research. Two recent ACerS journal articles explore methods of fabricating C/C-SiC CMCs for use as container materials.

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Engineered to perfection: The science of chocolate and designing a better chocolate chip

By四月戈娅 / September 4, 2020


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Modeling teaches old dogs new tricks: Viscosity predictions from dilatometry and DSC

By乔纳森工人 / 2020年7月31日

通过实验确定玻璃的粘度是缓慢且昂贵的过程。在最近发表的两篇论文中JACerS, Penn State professor John Mauro and his colleagues show how it can be predicted much easier by using dilatometry and DSC to calculate parameters for a glass viscosity model that was proposed in 2009.

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Video: Bake a pizza in record time

By丽莎麦当劳 / 2020年6月10日

What happens when a company specializing in industrial heating technologies teams up with a seasoned pizzaiolo? You get a Neapolitan pizza cooked in record time! Find out how Kanthal engineers created the fast-baking electric oven.

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By乔纳森工人 / April 17, 2020

It is one thing to develop a new material or process—but improving existing materials and processes is also important in making better products. Two papers in the May-June issue of国际应用陶瓷技术杂志focus on improving effectivity of existing processes.

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