Materials & Innovations

Graphene memory possible?

By / August 26, 2008

Writers at the IEEE Spectrum report that molecule-size memory may be possible using graphene. Electrons flow extremely fast in graphene, much faster than in silicon, and a graphene transistor could really zip. That’s been the good news. The bad news, until now however, is that it’s hard to stop current from flowing in graphene once…

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By / August 26, 2008

In a previous edition of Ceramic Tech Weekly, we posted information and a brief video about MIT researcher Daniel Nocera and his apparently successful efforts to cut down on the use of costly platinum. Now the good folks at Blip.TV have gone out and toured Nocera’s lab and conducted a longer interview with him. Check…

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From the ashes of the old: Reclaimed uranium

By / August 25, 2008

A researcher at the University of Idaho has penned an agreement with a leading nuclear power company to launch a new type of recycling plant that can harvest uranium and other materials from the ashes of radioactive garbage to be recycled back into nuclear fuel using an efficient, environmentally friendly technology, according to university officials.…

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New “skin” to provide more human touch

By / August 24, 2008


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By / 2008年8月18日

麻省理工学院的研究人员发现了一种相当便宜且简便的方法来存储太阳能,因此当太阳没有发光时可以使用它 - 他们声称这一发展将使太阳能在未来十年内成为主流能源。

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Aluminum Prices to Soar

By / 2008年8月18日


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