

By丽莎麦当劳 / September 15, 2021

Batteries are not the only part of electric vehicles that contain critical materials—many electric vehicle motors use rare-earth magnets as well. Nissan and Waseda University developed a five-step pyrometallurgy process to recover rare-earth compounds from electric vehicle motor magnets.

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ByGreg Geiger / August 27, 2021


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Novel processing technique enhances toughness of high boron steel

By丽莎麦当劳 / May 7, 2021


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Video: Startups move solid-state batteries toward commercialization

By丽莎麦当劳 / 2021年4月21日

Solid-state batteries show great promise to outperform conventional lithium-ion batteries in terms of energy density, weight, cost, and recharge times. In recent months, several startup companies announced noteworthy progress in developing solid-state batteries for next-generation electric vehicles. Today’sCTT突出了由加利福尼亚州的电池研究公司量子景观所做的工作。

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By丽莎麦当劳 / 2021年1月13日

触摸屏显示器是新车模型中越来越标准的功能,与智能手机屏幕一样,每年梅赛德斯 - 奔驰计划在即将到来的豪华电动轿车中展出56英寸触摸屏展示。但触摸屏真的帮助司机 - 或导致驾驶分心吗?

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追求无钴的未来:用于锂离子电池的镍 - 锰 - 铝阴极

By丽莎麦当劳 / July 17, 2020

Many electric vehicles today use lithium-ion batteries that contain cobalt, an element with high ethical and environmental costs to its production. Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin explored the potential of a cobalt-free lithium-ion battery that features a nickel-manganese-aluminum cathode and found promising results.

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Graphene may be the key material to smooth out carbon fiber’s high price

By四月戈娅 / June 12, 2020

A team of researchers found adding a small amount of graphene can improve the structural alignment of spun carbon fibers, reinforcing their strength—and providing the potential to produce much more inexpensive carbon fiber materials.

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Transparent ceramic materials may make self-driving vehicles faster and safer

By丽莎麦当劳 / 2020年4月21日

For self-driving vehicles to become a common reality, the laser surveying system LiDAR must be improved. Researchers from Alfred University developed a transparent ceramic that could prove to be an ideal lasing material for LiDAR.

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By乔纳森工人 / April 17, 2020

It is one thing to develop a new material or process—but improving existing materials and processes is also important in making better products. Two papers in the May-June issue of国际应用陶瓷技术杂志focus on improving effectivity of existing processes.

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By丽莎麦当劳 / March 19, 2020

The April 2020 issue of theACerS Bulletin- 催化衬底和滤波器和氮化硅植入物 - 现在可以在线获得。加上第二期C&GM

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