Young-Wook_Kim_photoYoung-Wook Kim is Professor of Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Seoul. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in Daejeon, Korea and a B.S. degree in Ceramic Engineering from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. Before joining the University of Seoul in 1996, he worked as a senior research scientist at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST, 1990-1996). He was a visiting researcher at the National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials (NIRIM, Japan, 1993-1994), a visiting professor at the University of Toronto (2002-2003), and a visiting scholar at the University of Toronto (2009-2010).

His research interests include the microstructural control of nonoxide ceramics, the mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of SiC ceramics, the processing of SiC membranes, and the processing of polysiloxane-derived microcellular ceramics. He has authored or co-authored about 200 journal articles (42 in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society) on processing-microstructure-property relationships in bulk and porous non-oxide ceramics and holds about 40 issued patents in engineering and functional ceramics such as semiconductor processing parts, electrically conductive SiC ceramics and ceramic membranes.

He received an “Academic Prize” from the Korean Ceramic Society (2015), a “Distinguished Paper Award” from the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (2010), a “Distinguished Paper Award” from the Korea Federation of Science and Technology Societies (2009), a “Yangsong Paper Award” from the Korean Ceramic Society (2009) and others.

In ACerS, Young-Wook has been a member of the Engineering Ceramics Division since 1993, and he served as a symposium organizer, session chair, and reviewer in symposia sponsored by ACerS.