Dr. Gupta is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the University of North Dakota; previously employed at The Rutgers University. He finished his doctoral studies at Drexel University and earned an MBA from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Dr. Gupta also was a postdoctoral fellow at The Pennsylvania State University. He has published over 50 technical papers, received 5 patents, and has given over 20 invited/keynote talks and over 70 contributed presentations in several international, national, and local conferences. Dr. Gupta has won several awards: Dean’s Award for the Best Faculty (2016), Dean’s Teaching Professorship (2-18-20), Global Young Investigator (ECD, ACerS, 2016), ASM/IIM Lectureship (2016), Du Co Ceramics Award (2019), TMS Functional Materials Division Young Leaders Professional Development Award (2019) etc. Dr. Gupta is also a passionate educator and has supervised several graduate theses.

Dr. Gupta has been a member of ACerS since 2003. He was/is active in different committees of ACerS (Coble Awards Committee, ACerS Member Services Committee, Meetings Committee, Du Co Awards Committee, Awards and Nomination Committee for ECD, ACerS etc.). Dr. Gupta also chaired the Engineering Ceramics Division (ECD) and was program chair for the ICACC conference with over 1,000 attendees.

Dr. Gupta is active in advanced materials processing, high temperature materials, nanotechnology, and sustainability research from applied and fundamental perspective. He is serving on the editorial committee of JMEP, Advanced Materials and Processes,andTLTMagazine. Dr. Gupta is also editorial advisor forJournal of Materials (JoM)and chief guest editor for several issues.

Currently, Dr. Gupta is funded and/or collaborating with ND Corn Council, Department of Agriculture (ND), Army Research Lab (ARL), NASA Langley, Navy, and DOE.