加藤博士目前是副总统的国家Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). She received her B.S. (1984), M.S. (1986) and Ph.D. (1989) all in applied chemistry from Nagoya University, Japan. She worked as a Researcher at Toyama Prefectural Industrial Technology Center (1989-1994), and a Researcher (1994-1995) and a Chief Researcher (1995-2001) at National Industrial Research Institute of Nagoya, Japan. She has been Group Leaders of Tailored Liquid Source Research Group (2001-2005) and Tailored Liquid Integration Research Group (2005-2015) and was promoted to a Prime Senior Research Scientist in 2013 at AIST. During the period, she has been associate professors of Tokyo Institute of Technology and Nagoya Institute of Technology and a professor of Hokkaido University. Then, she was promoted to a Deputy Director of Inorganic Functional Materials Research Institute (2015-2016), and to a Director-General of Evaluation Department (2016-2020) at AIST. Recently, she joined board member of AIST as a Vice President in 2017. She is a member of Science of Council Japan, and a member of committee of Environmental Dispute Coordination Commission, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication (MIC) since 2017.

Dr. Kato has served as a Key Research Scientist of AIST and Project Leaders for many National R&D Projects (by Japanese Government), including “Ferroelectric Memories for Next Generation” (1999-2003), “Research and Development of Low-Emission Materials and Technology” (2002-2007), “Environmental-Friendly Sensors” (2006-2010), “Research and Development of Organic Optical Devices Using Self-Adaption Technology” (2006-2007), “Research and Development of Organic Optical Tape Modules Using Self-Adaption Technology” (2008-2009) , “Research and Development of High-Performance Down-Sized Devices by Bottom-Up Fabrication Using Single Crystal Nanocubes” (2011-2015) and “Innovative Materials and Devices Using Nanocrystal Engineering” (2016-2018).