40年代在Aiken SC的Savannah River国家实验室工作后,乔治芯在2013年退休,在咨询科学家,当时的组织的最高技术水平。他目前担任拥有公司的独立顾问,是几所大学的兼职教授,并在新的生物技术公司的应用研究中心和Spherofill的VP / CTO工作。

自从收到哈佛大学和麻省理工学院的高级学位以来,Wicks在陶瓷和玻璃科学的许多领域以及其他领域和学科中都在广泛的工作。这包括核废料管理,远程玻璃熔药,环境修复,传感器开发,材料腐蚀,储氢系统,替代和可再生能源,核裁军活动,C&B代理,混合微波技术以及各种新医疗举措的研究活动。Among his many contributions are development of the first ‘slurry feeding system’ for vitrification of the 34 million gallons of high-level radioactive waste at the Savannah River Site (SRS) in the more than billion-dollar Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF), currently in production. He has also been very active in leaching studies of nuclear glasses and in assessing chemical durability of waste glass products and systems. He is coauthor of the SRL Kinetic Leachability Model [Wallace-Wicks Model] describing leaching behavior of the complex 40-component SRS waste glass system. Also, he designed, developed and coordinated, the first major international seven-country, in situ testing program in the U.S., involving burial of simulated nuclear waste systems. Wicks is co-inventor of sol-gel indicators, a new class of composite materials that can be fabricated into sensors, and integrated into important fiber optic, analytical monitoring devices for environmental measurements and other uses, including medical applications. He is co-inventor of sol-gel metal hydrides and porous-walled hollow glass microspheres˗ composites, which have the ability to store unusually large amounts of hydrogen (both reversibly and very effectively for the glass microspheres)˗ also providing a unique drug delivery tool. The team and its glass microsphere technology received an R&D 100 Award in 2011 and in 2012, was voted “Top Honors” at the NNSA Symposium on “Discovery and Innovation.” He is co-inventor of hybrid microwave technology with the ability to remediate hazardous components and reclaim reusable metals, and also conduct decontamination of law enforcement equipment and materials, while retaining forensic signatures. In 2013, Wicks was elected to the World Academy of Ceramics, was honored in The American Ceramic Society, with the Distinguished Life Member Award in 2014, and in 2016 became a Fellow in ASM International.

威克斯在这些各种领域发表了相当数量的工作,其中包括200多个出版物和近二十二个专利迄今为止。他还撰写或共同撰写了七本书,九章在文本和百科全书中,并担任有多名国际会议的科咨机。He served as 2011-2012 president of The American Ceramic Society, served on the ACerS Board of Directors, past president of the National Institute of Ceramic Engineers, served as a member of the U.S. Materials Review Board and served as adjunct professor over the years to Clemson University, University of Florida, Virginia Tech, Medical College of Georgia and Georgia Regents University, as well as serving on advisory boards to a number of universities. He served as a member of the DuPont Corporate Ceramics Board and testified on technical aspects of nuclear waste management and weapons dismantlement activities for various committees, including those of the National Academy of Sciences.

Among his awards and honors include the South Carolina Governor’s Award for Excellence in Scientific Research, South Carolina Academy of Science, Alpha Sigma Mu International Honorary Society’s Distinguished Life Membership, CNTA Distinguished Scientist of the Year, SRS Career Achievement Award, the Joan Hodges Queaneau Palladium Medal, George Westinghouse Gold Corporate Award, two Westinghouse Signature Awards, as well as the Westinghouse Innovators Award and SC Small Enterprise of the Year. ACerS honors include the Greaves Walker Award, Arthur L. Friedberg Memorial Lecture, D.T. Rankin Award, James Mueller Memorial Lecturer and ACerS Distinguished Life Member honor.