Csaba Balázsi is Scientific Advisor of the Centre for Energy Research of Eötvös Loránd Research Network, Centre of Excellence of Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He obtained MSc degree in Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering from Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania. He received PhD in Materials Science from University of Miskolc, Hungary in 2000. He was a visiting scientist at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan in 2001, University of Limerick, Ireland and Istanbul Technical University, Turkey in 2003.

后领导Depa陶瓷和纳米复合材料rtment in the Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science for 7 years, he was appointed Director of the Institute of Materials Science and Technology of the Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research for 3 years. He got Associate Professorship from University of Pannonia and Doctor of Science (DrSc) title from Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His research interests are covering research, development and innovation of novel high performance ceramics for medical and high temperature applications. Dr. Balázsi’s current research works are focused to development of ceramic-graphene bone-like implants. He holds nine patents and has co-authored over 230 original scientific publications and book chapters.

Dr. Balázsi is President of Fine Ceramics section of the Hungarian Scientific Society of Silicate Industry (SZTE) and Representative of SZTE in International Ceramic Federation, Member of Council Board and Permanent Executive Committee of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS). He served as Board Member of the Hungarian Society of Materials Science, Executive Committee of Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS) and Steering Committee of Energy Materials Industry Research Innitiative (EMIRI), Brussels. He is an elected Fellow of the ECerS, received Dennis Gabor Award and Bolyai Plaquette.

Dr. Balázsi joined the Engineering Ceramics Division in 2004. He was invited speaker, session chair or co-organizer of many ACerS symposia, where he was supporting colleagues, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers to join ACerS-ECerS activities. He is ACerS Global Ambassador (2020) and serves as an Associate Editor ofInternational Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology.